Scientists at the University of Bristol published in the journal
Sedentary smokers die faster
Research scientists from the USA showed that a sedentary lifestyle
Doctors told about the key to longevity
Active aerobic exercise help to increase cardiorespiratory endurance of the
Found a way to distinguish fatal from non-fatal cancer
How to understand who from diagnosed cancer patients, facing death,
Amazing cause higher mortality in men
Unbelievable but true: men die more often than women and
The main cause of death among Russian men
Scientists were able to figure out what is the main
To deal with mortality prompted with the help of dance
A non-trivial way to lower the mortality suggested by the
The Ministry comment on reports of a rise in infant mortality
Some time ago the chamber was informed about the incident
The five leading fatal diseases in the UN
More than 40 million people worldwide just as many die
Within 10 years there will be growth of alcoholism and mortality
In the published in Geneva report by the world health