Liver function: not only detox – slideshow

  • Liver function When we talk about the liver, most often remember
    that it is the main filter in the way
    different poisons. Here is the disinfection
    products of metabolism, and toxins arriving
    from the outside. This is very important, but not the only
    liver function: because the body plays a key role
    in the metabolism in General.
  • Digestion The liver is the largest gland of the body, which
    produces bile. It is necessary for digestion,
    especially for digestion of fats. From the liver
    bile enters the gall bladder, where can
    to accumulate and be spent as needed.
  • The formation of cholesterol Cholesterol cause atherosclerosis. This is true
    but atherosclerosis causes the “bad” cholesterol (low
    density). High-density cholesterol necessary
    for the construction of cell membranes, synthesis of hormones
    etc. the Formation of cholesterol is in the liver, and the same
    the authority is responsible for its balance.
  • Blood clotting Liver cells is the site of synthesis of virtually all
    proteins responsible for normal clotting
    blood. That is why liver disease cause
    to ensure that the correct operation of the system is broken.
    Pathology of the liver dangerous or bleeding, or
    on the contrary, increased tendency to the formation of
    blood clots. Both conditions pose a serious threat
    for life.
  • Glycogen stores Our body creates reserves for a “rainy day”.
    In particular, glucose is stored as glycogen.
    If the body at some point begins to flow
    less glucose, it starts spending reserve.
    Thus, it is an important energy reserve,
    and forms it liver.
  • Immunity The liver plays a huge role in protecting the body.
    And not only as a “filter” barrier to toxins.
    In the liver there are macrophages, lymphocytes (which is immune
    cells), in various lesions of the liver begins
    to produce the antigenic structure. That’s why
    in case of bad functioning of the immune system, doctors recommend
    to check the status of the liver.
  • Metabolism of vitamins
    and trace elements Without exaggeration – without the normal work of the liver
    it would be impossible for the assimilation of most vitamins.
    For example, fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) can
    be absorbed in the intestine only in the presence of bile
    acids. B vitamins are actively involved
    the processes taking place in the liver. Sodium, magnesium, manganese,
    copper, iron and other trace elements also
    accumulate in the liver.
  • Depot blood Not all the blood circulates through the vessels: some of it is
    in reserve. The main reservoir for the blood is the spleen,
    but the role of the liver in this process is very important.
    By increasing physical activity, other
    conditions requiring more intensive
    the blood from the liver enters the vascular
  • Synthesis and inactivation of hormones The liver is the synthesis of some unique hormones
    play an important role in metabolism. In particular,
    it is IGF 1. If the body it
    enough, starts premature aging.
    Also synthesized in the liver angiotensin helping
    to maintain a normal blood pressure.
    In addition to the synthesis and inactivation, for example, in the liver
    processed steroid hormones.
  • Detoxification And of course, the liver is the main detoxification organ,
    both external poisons and those who
    formed in the process of metabolism within the body.
    For example, ammonia (which is formed from amino acids)
    very dangerous for the nervous system and in the liver it
    converted to urea. Dangerous alcohol phenol
    venissero turns into acid. And such
    conversions happen in the liver constantly,
    preventing poisoning of the body.