With LSD I finally feel totally normal: Hazardous Trend micro dosing

Psychedelic substances play not only as a brain-doping a role. More and more people to fight with Mini-doses of LSD, depression, and mood swings. In Switzerland is currently being researched, the extent to which the forbidden drug as a legal medicine could be suitable.

Ayelet Waldman is one of those women who can seemingly, everything. She studied together with the later US-President Barack Obama’s law, has built a career as a lawyer, had four children and became a best-selling author. What caught only her family: she fought for decades with extreme mood swings.

I suffered. And, worse still, the people suffered all around me. I have often thought of suicide. I stood at the bathroom cupboard and counted the pills and thought about how many I would have to take to kill me, told Ayelet Waldman the BBC. In her book, A really good day: such As micro dosing, my mood, my marriage and saved my life, she describes how she has treated your Depression single-handedly. With the LSD. With LSD I finally feel totally normal.

Behind micro dosing

Micro dosing is a kind of brain doping with psychedelic drugs. Its origins are in the United States. In Silicon Valley, programmers, graphic designers and Manager to swallow the tiny amounts of Hallucinogens, to be able to better, faster, and more work. A Trend that has long since spilled over to Europe. Microdoser consume LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), and also isolated Psilocybin, the active ingredient of Magic Mushrooms. Both substances change the perception, Thinking and consciousness.

The users believe that LSD in doses of ten to 20 micrograms. In the case of a conventional Trip consumers take a factor of ten. Allegedly made to stay in small doses, hallucinations or distortions of space and time. For this, concentration and creativity to rise.

Controversy about the risks of the substance

More and more people use the drug but also to control their mood swings. In forums you can exchange and rely on the American psychologists James Fadiman. He is the author of The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide is a kind of guide to dealing with LSD, the micro dosing-Community follows. He recommends that after each Mini-Trip two-day break for the brain to develop tolerance.

But what are the risks of micro-dosing involves? A risk can be assumed unless it can be demonstrated that there are no side effects. You can also warns in case of low doses occur, Tomislav Majic, senior physician at the Psychiatric University clinic of the Charité, in the FOCUS. LSD psychosis, persisting perception disorders, and Flashbacks trigger. In any case, the patient should experiment on your own.

In Switzerland, physicians, neurologists, and psychologists to investigate formally the extent to which LSD can be used for the treatment of Depression. Thus the Swiss are among the pioneers in the field.

Of psychedelic substances research

Undine Lang, clinical Director of adult psychiatry and a Professor at the University of Basel, is one of the scientists, dealing with the issue. In an interview with FOCUS Online, she explains that, especially in the fast onset of action, the potential of LSD sun. 80 percent of the patients were already treated successfully with psychotropic drugs, but the ten to 14 days, to the conventional drugs used in the treatment of depression, have their desired effect, the Physician is too long. Depression costs the people suffer very much time life.

The world health organization predicts costs will be that – if you look at all of the medical disorders – depression, by 2030, the most life-time. In the EU alone, the disease consumes 75 billion euros per year.

LSD reduces anxiety and increases empathy

LSD has anxiety reducing effect and generates feelings of happiness. As a result, the social perception is changing. When Healthy, we were able to show that the substance causes people to be increased more closeness and trust, to feel empathy and empathy and that, for example, sad and fearful faces are not so impressive, says Undine.

Just the ability to have social contacts and close friendships are a very important factor for the resilience against mental disorders. Experts speak here of resilience.

The sense of social Support, the strength of the people, especially in times of crisis. If the ability for Empathy, so the assets in another Person’s shoes, can be improved, the result is moments of interest, the satisfaction, the joy and the feeling that life makes sense, the psychiatrist. Other substances that improve the ability for Empathy, in depression successes.

Patient study: LSD in Conjunction with psychotherapy

By the LSD, we can make psychotherapy more effective, or in some cases, possible at all, says Undine. The key to the positive influence of empathy: If we can potentiate the effect of psychotherapy by small amounts of LSD, because can open your therapist better, then we improve both of the options of therapy: medication and psychotherapy.

In what Form is LSD administered could be, don’t know the Swiss. Outside of the clinics, a small piece of a LSD flakes, or to measure the drops from the cut Microdoser.

The party drug ketamine is used to treat

Illegal substances find their way into the legality of, has shown the party drug ketamine. In this context, a small success story, says Undine. It is a further substance, which can act in case of depression within just a few minutes.

In Kemanin the reservations were due to the risk of dependence or psychedelic side effects. Now, the formerly dangerous and unpredictable assessments of a party drug will used in many hospitals regularly and successfully. However, they must be administered intravenously. Soon, but it could revolutionize ketamine is well dosed as a nasal spray depression treatment.

LSD is beyond the corset of the Depression

Undine Lang is optimistic, what can the effects of LSD in the treatment of depression. It produces an immediate relief from negative feelings, it is beyond the corset of the Depression and in the long term, it acts through the potentiation of psychotherapy effects.

What is the lowest dose level, could bring to a effective effect, can also say the researchers currently. I can only say that we have learned in psychiatry at some of the older products that have already been used for decades, such as Haloperidol or Lithium, with the time, and that effective dosages can often be much lower than what we assumed originally.

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