In the near future, some kinds of plastic surgery can become free. If this legislative initiative is adopted, the fault would be possible to fix under the policy of General health insurance.
The idea of doing plastic surgery to medical insurance belongs to the Director of the Federal Scientific-clinical center of otorhinolaryngology of FMBA of Russia, member of the specialized Commission of the Ministry of health and the Public chamber of Russia Nikolai Dishes. But we are not talking about any kind of plastic surgery, and those that are medically necessary or caused by the need to eliminate severe defects in appearance, drastically reduces the quality of life.
“A real example – from birth, women are heavily modified nose. And her don’t get married because of this. She’ll do anything to fix it. We know the cases when people lay flat and lay down on operation, it is necessary to help people,” Daikhes said at a roundtable devoted to the new order of rendering of medical aid in the field “Plastic surgery”.
Another category of patients who may require in carrying out the “plastics” of the MLA, are the people injured in the accidents. According to Daiches, all suffering from both congenital and acquired soft tissue defects, burns, scarring, should qualify for free plastic surgery. This initiative has a chance to be adopted because they were supported by a number of specialists. In particular, I agree with Digicom plastic surgeon of the Ministry of health of Russia Natalia manturova.
Currently, plastic surgeons help to restore the appearance of patients only as invited experts. If the innovation is adopted, to help the plastic surgeon will apply even in cases where no other treatment is required (although each case will be considered by a medical Board on an individual basis).
Now, the idea of incorporating plastic surgery into the list of free medical procedures is discussed at the public level. Earlier Magicforum wrote about the fact that the test showed that in the majority of Russian clinics of plastic surgery performed with violations