After June, the Chairman of the government of the Russian Federation Tatyana Golikova has initiated Roszdravnadzor unscheduled inspections of clinics providing services of plastic surgery, Department officials revealed violations in the work of almost 70% of these clinics. In other words, in two out of three of these health organizations are not the rules.
The result of the test, shared the head of the organization of state quality control of medical care to the population of healthcare Anatoly Sharonov. He reported that the Federal service for supervision in the sphere of health inspected nearly 540 organizations, staffed by experts in the field of plastic surgery.
“67% of organizations did not work by the rules. it was revealed nearly 900 violations of the procedure for providing medical aid in the field of plastic surgery,” said Sharonov.
Other violations the representative of the Ministry named the following: in clinics used medications are either not registered in the territory of the Russian Federation, or are of poor quality and use poor quality medical products. In addition, in medical institutions, as revealed during inspections, working professionals, the level of education which failed to meet professional standards in plastic surgery.
Sharonov added that only Russia has 1257 medical organizations that provide services to profile cosmetic surgery – and they all will be tested to the end of the year.
Earlier Magicforum wrote that the famous singer Sofia Rotaru almost died when plastic surgery.