Watermelon, broccoli and avocado excluded from vegan products

Avocado, almonds, and broccoli are not vegan products. All these popular fruits and vegetables violate the rules of the traditional vegan lifestyle.

Every year in Russia is growing not only vegetarians, but real vegans. However, not so long ago on British television to the participants of the popular show QI was asked whether they consider avocados, almonds, watermelons, kiwi fruit or broccoli suitable for vegans products. It turned out that it is not. The fact that commercial cultivation of these vegetables and fruit on farms often used so-called migratory bees. In regions such as California aren’t enough local bees or other insects engaged in pollination, so farmers exchange hives with each other. These hives are transported in big trucks.

Meanwhile, vegans should avoid all products of animal origin. Strict vegans refuse honey because of the “use” of bees. And since bees are actively used for growing, for example, avocado, this fruit can not be considered vegan. However, such a proposition seems absurd, because assuming these plants, vegans have to give up almost all foods.

Do with the wide use of bees, these insects can be injured or destroyed. In addition, the transport of insects has a negative impact on their health and life expectancy. But we need to ask the question of whether bees suffer as much as animals. Whether bees are conscious, and hence the desire to continue to live? If not, then, according to some philosophers, even such inhuman treatment of the bees not supposed to hurt them. (READ MORE)