The most dangerous alcoholic drinks

The researchers analyzed alcohol and the degree of their danger to health.

It is known that alcohol is not less dangerous than tobacco or some drugs. Scientific experts have called several types of the most dangerous and harmful to people of alcoholic beverages.

According to these data, the most dangerous drink was beer. However, the degree of danger and harm of beer is fundamentally dependent on the amount of alcohol consumed. Small amounts of beer will not cause harm, but at the same time as the doctors, regular upotreblenija more than two glasses has a detrimental effect on the liver.

Separately, the doctors said that beer is addictive faster than many other types of alcohol. Curiously, in the second place, the doctors gave the liquor. Sweet liqueur “cheats” a sense of control and enjoy it very much, which is for the pancreas a real blow. Do not forget that liquor contains a lot of sugar, resulting in a fast set of weight.

The third place according to the degree of privatemode took the champagne, which, as the scientists, especially dangerous to the liver and the stomach (sometimes causing real poisoning). In fourth place was the cocktails, as these drinks are usually very high in calories. As a result, they lead to obesity, destroying along the way the teeth and liver.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about why doctors advise in the cold season, be sure to drink during the day, warm water.