A new and dangerous property of alcohol

Scientists from the Medical school of the University of Massachusetts in the USA found that intake of alcohol contributes into the blood bacteria from the intestines. As a result of increased contamination of blood toxins, which can provoke unwanted immune responses.

The authors of this study found that the consumption of alcohol in high concentrations may cause strong immune response. This is because in the blood increases the level of endotoxins. Their increase in turn is due to the fact that as a result of the action of alcohol increases the permeability of intestinal walls, resulting in blood penetrate unwanted and dangerous components.

According to scientists, in response to the increase in the level of endotoxins in the body aktiviziruyutsya the production of T-cells. The result of this process be fever and an acute, destructive to tissues of the body inflammation.

“Even once exceeding the dose of alcohol, we risk the strongest immune response,” warned the scientific experts.
Under the overdose of alcohol scientists imply: for men, drinking more than 5 servings of alcohol in two hours, and for women more than 4 servings.

That alcohol use contributes to the threat of “contamination” of the blood, the experts made sure during the experiment. Under these test men and women drank the strong alcohol, after which they have at different times taken for the analysis of blood samples. Due to such a test in the blood of volunteers was discovered the DNA of the bacteria that served as proof of passage of bacteria through the intestinal wall. It was found that the toxicity of the blood in women was higher than men.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about what alcoholic beverages were allowed scientists to use in the incidence of diabetes.