The best kind of sweets to enhance immunity

Eat chocolate to boost health! Scientists from Germany found that a major ingredient in this product, cocoa beans, are the best source of essential vitamin for the human body, as reported by EurekAlert.

Initially cocoa beans rich in vitamin D. When they are drying in the sun it mutates, turning into a different form of nutrient – vitamin D2. More nutrients include cocoa butter and dark chocolate.

Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) is involved in many biochemical processes in the body. His main role is to regulate the absorption of the essential mineral macronutrients – calcium and phosphorus. Together with the other active elements of group D, it helps calcium to open tubules in cell membranes for regulating metabolic processes. Recent scientific data confirm the ability of витаминаD2 to prevent the activity of Pro-inflammatory mediators are related to the development of autoimmune diseases. Vitamins of the group D normalizes the process of blood clotting and improve the activity of the thyroid gland. But we should remember that the vitamin D harms the body, for example, leads to frequent colds.

Scientists from Sweden (Karolinska Institute and Uppsala University) bitter chocolate after the study was related to anti-inflammatory products, the use of which can prolong life. Experts intend to further explore the beneficial properties of cocoa, whose health potential is in their opinion much more substantial than we know today.

Earlier Magicforum wrote that scientists were named the best fall vegetables to strengthen the heart.