Rough, discolored, dull? What is the state of your teeth reveal about your health

Our teeth crumble, they are rough, or yellowish, and are not the phenomena, only age-related wear and tear. An expert explains the changes to the teeth, what diseases could get stuck.

Flat abraded teeth

That Stress often causes Burnout and heart attacks, we all know. But also flat abraded teeth with considerable mental tension point, is the least well known. This is considered to be the main cause for bruxism, the medical name for teeth grinding.

About the expert

Jochen Schmidt is the founder and principal dentist of the Cologne dental centre, Carree Dental.

It is not a coincidence, it means that if you have unpleasant tasks or situations: We grind with the teeth or bite of the teeth. In addition to a professional or private grief, too ill-fitting crowns, fillings or dentures cause we grind at night, with the teeth and thus visible damage. Other possible triggers including crooked teeth, alcohol, drugs and certain medicines are.

Help can be custom rails made of plastic that are worn during sleep. This does not prevent further gnashing of the teeth, but they relieve the joints of the jaw and relax the jaw and head muscles. Is Stress the cause, the Problem will resolve, mostly by itself, if the tension phase wears off. Where appropriate, relaxation exercises or psychotherapy have a positive effect.

Yellowish to brown discoloration in children

Behind crumbling children’s teeth is, in many cases, a previously little-known, but the consequences of severe mineralization disorder. Other typical symptoms of a molar-inclined incisors-Hypomineralisation (MIH) are yellowish-white to brown discoloration of the first permanent cheek(molar) teeth (inclined incisors) in the upper and lower jaw. The melt formation and maturation of the first molar is held between the fourth month of pregnancy and the fourth year of life, especially in the first period, the melting of the image cells are very sensitive to external Substances, so harmful substances.

On the causes of the mineralization disorder of the scientists of the world today: Possible triggers are injury before birth or in the first years of life, as well as infectious diseases such as measles or Mumps. With Dioxin or polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) contaminated breast milk, antibiotics during and after birth, and lack of folic acid during pregnancy are considered to be major risk factors. The Problem is the early diagnosis.

Because is visible, this “beauty mistake” only with eruption of the teeth, so in the course of the sixth year of life. The faster in the case of a MIH is traded, the lower the dental expenses: Is the surface of the tooth is still intact, so it is sufficient often to fluoridieren these locally. This protective action reduces the sensitivity of the teeth and the risk of Caries. Were already destroyed parts of the tooth must be removed completely and refurbished in order to protect the rest of the substance. In some cases, only a Crowning is out of the question, or, in the worst case, the Pulling of the affected tooth.

Crumbling, brittle teeth

In the case of adults suggest, crumbling, brittle teeth , however, often the acid reflux disease. In the case of this very frequent disorder of the digestive tract muscle deficit acid flows due to a Closing of the stomach contents back into the esophagus. This acid damages the enamel of teeth and tooth. Typical symptoms are Belching, heartburn and difficulty in swallowing. Usually medication helps.

With advancing years it comes increasingly to melt cracks and wedge-shaped defects. Also yellowish or yellowish-gray discoloration in most cases, symptoms of old age. These are a result of an incorrect brushing technique, and thus destroyed the melting areas. Essential for thorough oral hygiene is also of retirement age. Especially in the case of a high root caries risk of the use of fluoride is recommended containing tooth pastes, electric toothbrushes, and dental floss, and the space between brushes.

Helpful special cleaning techniques, which also allow for limited manual skills, a thorough cleaning. Paid for professional dental cleanings and General care examinations make. While crowns, dentures and other tooth should be set regularly for defects and replaced if necessary inspected to prevent major consequential damage, such as bone and soft tissue inflammation.

Rough Teeth

Rough teeth indicate caries. Penetrates into the pulp, so the pulp of a tooth, that caused inflammation and in severe pain – at the beginning, usually only temporarily, and eventually permanently. A clear indication are melting brown or white spots on the tooth. Because this disease is a decalcification of the tooth substance by metabolic products of the bacteria is typical. Teeth sensitive to cold or heat, can be a sign. But, ultimately, we can only judge the dentist sure. Are recommended regular checks.

Swollen and bleeding gums

Not played down should be swollen, and bleeding gums when brushing your teeth. Because the chronic inflammation of Periodontitis, the gums over the years, go back and hurts in the long term, the whole of the periodontium, including alveolar bone. The foci of inflammation in the gums, the germs can also get into the bloodstream and so, among other things, Diabetes, hardening of the arteries and cause heart attacks. Proven suffer people with periodontal disease are particularly likely to have hypertension. This can be achieved by a successful periodontal disease treatment lower, as a recent study of German high blood pressure, researchers at the University hospital of Schleswig-occupied Holstein.

How do I recognize healthy teeth?

No question, a sound, brilliant white Teeth with beauty and vitality signals. Yet for all the care of the attractiveness, there are natural limits. Because, after all, the basic color of the teeth is hereditary. In addition, factors such as the age or thickness of the tooth play a layer of melting a part: of the tooth enamel in the course of the life thin, the underlying dentin shines through darker and darker – there’s also a thorough teeth help cleaning or Power-Bleaching nothing.

Healthy teeth clean teeth in the first place. Very important in intensive care. Part of it, at least in the morning and clean in the evening for three minutes, all the teeth with a fluoride-containing tooth pastes thoroughly. A guarantor for long-lasting, beautiful teeth, the correct cleaning technique: The bristles gently against your teeth, press and food debris and plaque with small, shaking movements eliminate. Dental floss and interdental brush to reach those areas in the “normal” tooth brush can’t penetrate. In addition to the optimal personal oral hygiene every six months is recommended a professional dental cleaning.

Who wants to be on the Safe side, you can also make a Plaque Test home. In pharmacies and drugstores there are special lozenges, the tooth covering stains visible and, therefore, dangerous care deficits.