Rich foods that save you from overeating

Cold weather raises the problem, familiar to many, is the increased appetite that causes you to abuse food. How to cope with this problem, was told by the dietician Lyudmila Babich.

Specialist said that natural hearty, but not fatty foods help keep the appetite under control and not suffer from overeating. One of the most useful among such products nutritionist believes porridge made from grain, not flakes. According to the expert, porridge from oats is digested slowly due to the high content of soluble fiber, so this dish ensures long-term energy and satiety.

No less useful Breakfast or lunch, which will help not to reach for an additional portion later becomes a plate of natural cheese. The nutritionist explained: cottage cheese contains casein protein, the absorption of which requires a lot of time – for this reason, it is a long time provides a feeling of fullness.

Also the doctor advised to include in your diet nuts. In the nuts contain many valuable nutrients and vitamins, they fill you up quickly and allow you to forget about food. The most beneficial are almonds.

“Almond promotes weight loss, as a large part of its contained fats pass from the stage of absorption in the stomach and does not settle in the body in the form of fat reserves,” – said the expert.
Earlier Magicforum wrote that scientists have identified vitamin, effectively helps fight childhood obesity.