10 foods that doctors advise to eat for dinner

According to experts, in the evening you need to eat foods that do not contain indigestible ingredients as well as not having a stimulating effect on the body.

In particular, the list of foods which I should avoid in the evening hours, academic experts included Fig. According to them, this product contains a lot of starch and fast carbohydrates that trigger sharp fluctuations in blood sugar, outbreak of appetite, and of activating the process of adiposis has in the body.

In addition, it is not recommended cakes, especially the finished production. In baking almost always a lot of sugar, vegetable and animal fats for metabolism, subsiding by the evening, it’s too rich a combination. Also, scientists do not advise to have for dinner, sweet fruit containing a lot of fructose and glucose that is bad for the blood sugar and insulin production. In addition, do not eat chocolate, otherwise there is the likelihood that it contained fast carbs, sugar and caffeine will not only be a severe test for the metabolism, but also contribute to insomnia.

Recommend specialists to give up the pickles. On the stomach, they may affect negatively, providing the night heartburn and trouble sleeping. Fast food in the evenings is also undesirable, as it contains many ingredients that cause the body’s enhancing sugar and pressure, unnecessary activation of the functions – fast food is very fatty, salty, sweet, often spicy.

In red meat, according to experts, contains a lot of tyrosine, a substance that stimulates the production of adrenaline. Dinner is better to eat fish or white poultry meat, so as not to disturb the sleep mechanisms. Good to know that harmful at bedtime stimulating effect and has most sausages, ham and other meat products. It is proven that their use correlates with an increase in the concentration of norepinephrine in the blood, a substance activating the nerve impulses and tiring brain.

Still, experts advise not to eat in the evening nuts that are too high in calories for a late snack and also are trudnosmyvaemye food. Also undesirable for the evening meal, horseradish and mustard – spices in the second half of the day might lead to stomach problems and can cause sleepless nights.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about 10 simple products, called by scientists the most useful for health.