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Many believe that the consumption of rice contributes to the completeness and abandon this product. This is a mistake! Rice contains many nutrients and can protect the body against the development of colon cancer.

Nutritionist Svetlana FUS is advised not to exclude rice from diet rice. According to the specialist, it is composed of essential vitamins and minerals. A particularly useful figure for people suffering from gastritis and peptic ulcer substance from the composition of this cereal in the stomach create a protective film.

“There are scientific studies that prove that eating bran from rice reduce the risk of developing bowel cancer,” – said the nutritionist.
But the expert points out: in the selection and purchase of rice should prefer not parboiled polished rice. Polished rice in the process lost up to 60% of essential body substances, while not parboiled polished rice saves up to 75% of the vitamins and minerals in its composition.

Rice contains the b vitamins such as thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Niacin (B3) and vitamin B6. B vitamins are needed for normal functioning of the nervous system. It was experimentally confirmed that figure improves the quality of sleep, making it more sturdy and long lasting. The researchers attribute this effect so that the rice contains the amino acid tryptophan. Entering the brain, tryptophan stimulates the production of serotonin and the sleep hormone melatonin. In total, rice contains eight essential human amino acids, which are indispensable for the creation of new cells.

Earlier Magicforum wrote that scientists have refuted the assertion of the need refuses to sugar.