Peel apples could be saved from deadly disease

American scientists from the University of Wisconsin in Madison found that the peel of apples has the property to kill cancer cells. Appealing to the results of their study, experts advise to eat apples unpeeled.

“The antioxidants in the peel of apples can slow the growth of cancer cells of prostate tumors and also useful in cancer of the breast,” said the authors of the project.
In particular, during clinical experiments with cancer cells and extract, Gala apples, scientists have discovered that the contact of cells with the extract retards their growth and reduces survival. The study showed that when exposed to cell extract from the Apple peel in them increased protein content machine able to suppress the activity of onkokletok.

Experts noted that it is not only the healing properties of Apple peel in it (as in Apple juice) contain substances that strengthen the health of the cardiovascular system.

Earlier Magicforum wrote that scientists had detected unusual ability of apples to influence the state of the human body.