Best fruit for getting rid of constipation

Chronic constipation is a typical problem of modern people forced to work for hours sitting on a chair. The journal Natural reported the results of the study showed that an effective means for getting rid of sensitive issues is a kiwi.

“Daily consumption of kiwi fruit helps to get rid of chronic constipation,” – cites the publication of the opinion of experts.
Scientists experimentally tested the ability of kiwi to affect the process of digestion. In traditional Chinese medicine is characterized by kiwi as a fruit that improves functions of the digestive tract due to the higher content of antioxidants and fiber. Participants of the experiment conducted by scientists people who have been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome accompanied by chronic constipation.

According to the test conditions, participants were required to consume kiwi on a daily basis for four weeks. As a result, as reported by scientists, the volunteers “improved softness and volume of the chair in the absence of the opposite effect – constipation”.

The researchers noted that this positive effect was achieved due to the influence on the gastrointestinal tract contained in kiwi fruit pectin.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about the fact that eating fruit, according to the latest research, helps prolong life.