How to avoid stroke and heart attack, without spending a penny

Scientists from Yale University, has warned that to reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack effectively helps failure from eating certain foods. Their recommendations for scientific specialists shared on the official website of the University.

In particular, the researchers believe that to avoid dangerous vascular abnormalities is possible, if we stop buying products with a high content of TRANS fats. The most dangerous types of TRANS fats, according to scientists, are contained in potato chips, crackers, fried food and baked goods.

TRANS fats are a by-product of processing vegetable fats. According to the world health organization, when injected into the human body of molecules of TRANS fats displace the essential fatty acids from cell membranes, thereby violating the normal nutrition of cells and the processes of liberation from waste products. TRANS fats significantly “pollute” the liver.

Scientists from Yale have universitatsallee its conclusion about the dangers of TRANS fats based on the study of the statistics of hospital admissions in new York state for the years 2002-2013.

“Where the people have restricted the use of TRANS fats, the number of patients with heart attack and stroke decreased by 6 percent,” – said experts.
Recall that in 2006 the who recommended that the contents of TRANS fats in calorie diet does not exceed 1%, and in 2009, stated the need for their complete elimination from their diets.

Earlier Magicforum wrote that scientists have opened another health properties of chocolate.