Myths about honey: is useful a product really is?

The contents

Myths about honey

The dangers of honey

Useful properties of honey

It is believed that honey is a great remedy, cure almost all viral diseases. Treat advise to use for colds and flu. Even those who seek to lose weight may eat honey! But is it useful really?

In this article we consider the most common myths about honey, tell you about its dangers and contraindications. Do not forget to mention about the use of this product, because it still has positive qualities.

Myths about honey

All my life people keep saying: honey is incredibly healthy. The stereotype that honey is almost the problem of all diseases are firmly seated in the minds of Russians. However, recent research suggests that in fact it is not, and most people are wrong. There is a certain amount of risk in the use of honey, especially in large quantities. More about this will be discussed later.

Myth # 1: honey is extremely useful due to the large number of minerals and vitamins

Honey actually is a real storehouse of nutrients. But we should not forget that all trace elements and vitamins contained in the composition in very small sizes. To extract useful qualities of this product, you should consume it barrels, which could have an impact on human health for the worse. To feel the beneficial properties of honey, you need to eat every week on the kilogram, that is about 150 grams a day. That is the dose recommended by beekeepers.

Of course, fans of honey ready to eat and 150, and more grams. However, you need to think about your health! More than just honey sugar and a daily dose of this quantity may well strike as the pancreas, which you will then not recover. Yes, and there is a huge risk of diabetes, rapid weight gain, metabolic disorders. Think about it — whether you need such problems?

The nutrients that are in honey, you can get from other products. For example, iron is in abundance in buckwheat, liver and other meat, calcium in dairy products, vitamin-full vegetables and fruits. Eating large quantities is much safer and certainly more useful than to eat 150 grams of honey a week.

Myth # 2: honey should be added to milk or tea

It is believed that honey can be a great alternative to sugar that you can add it to tea, milk or other beverages. But not everyone realizes how to do it correctly. The beverage temperature should not exceed 45 degrees, otherwise the honey will become carcinogenic and cause more harm than good. Also, do not “buy” at the use of some desserts contain honey.

Myth # 3: honey can be added to dishes

Honey is best absorbed in pure, if it has not been added to any products. But in combination with dishes where it is added instead of sugar, digestion is disturbed, and therefore reduces the digestibility of these products.

The dangers of honey

We must not forget that in addition to the beneficial qualities of honey, and it hurt. Not less there are no contraindications. Before you use it, you should first review this list.

Despite the fact that honey is considered a more useful product for weight loss than sugar, eating large amounts can lead to weight gain. Also excessive use of the product will cause diabetes, or other disorders that are associated with high insulin production. Add to this the usual sugar, sweet products, pastries and fruit — the amount of sugar in your body will go overboard. As a result, all of the above problems.

When heated above 45 degrees honey becomes not so useful, and even harmful. The same goes for mixing with other dishes.

The list of contraindications is determined by the condition of the person. So, for those who have Allergy or hypersensitivity to honey, it is strictly forbidden to eat it. Useful qualities will change serious consequences.

You cannot eat honey and those who are prone to diabetes or already have it. At high acidity of gastric juice, the pancreatitis, too, should not abuse the Supplement. If you really really want, you should use it in combination with cheese. This will help to avoid heartburn.

Pregnant and nursing women should not eat honey for the same reason that people with allergies. After all, sweetness is the strongest allergen. Before consuming the honey in this case, you should consult with your doctor.

Also contraindicated is rosacea — that is, the veins enlarged and damaged capillaries underneath the skin, vascular “stars”. The use of cosmetics based on honey components will not be useful to humans. Because honey stimulates blood circulation, which can lead to heavy load vessels.

Useful properties of honey

Honey has certain beneficial properties. They depend on its composition — carbohydrates (glucose, fructose and sucrose), vitamins (A, C, E, K, b group), organic acids, enzymes, minerals (iron, sulfur, potassium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine).

Honey can be used as a preventive measure against various ailments. He has a number of useful qualities — anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral. Thanks honey, you can suppress various pathogenic microorganisms, including staphylococci, streptococci, intestinal and dysenteric sticks. Honey is useful in angina, influenza, pneumonia and tuberculosis. No less useful it will consume herpes, thrush, skin diseases, burns and other ailments.

Daily dose should not exceed 3 tablespoons. Useful properties will be brighter to open up, if you eat honey with nuts, cereals, cheese and dried fruits.