10 reasons to eat bananas every day

The contents

Cause 1: the source of potassium

Reason # 2: the normal work of the intestine

Reason # 3: recovery from physical activity

Reason # 4: an excellent source of energy

Reason # 5: observance of the water balance

Reason # 6: weight loss

Reason # 7: improve heart function

Reason No. 8: improving the work of kidneys

Reason # 9: high concentration of vitamin B6

Reason # 10: bananas control the appetite

Bananas are not only delicious and incredibly useful. Their positive influence on human health realize not everyone. So today we reveal 10 reasons why you should eat bananas every day.

Cause 1: the source of potassium

Many people avoid eating bananas, believing that a large amount of carbohydrates and sugar in their composition may affect their figure. However, it should be remembered that these substances — not only in bananas. These fruits are also rich in potassium.

According to the results of research of the National Institute of health, USA, in one average banana contains 422 milligrams of potassium. And that’s 12 percent of the recommended daily intake of this mineral. Yes, our body need a lot of potassium that he was functioning normally. Thanks to the mineral muscles can shrink, the nervous functions are normalized, the electrolyte allows to move nutrients into the cells that need them, and also monitors heart rate and sodium levels. The lack of this component arise weakness, and muscle spasms.

That is why bananas are an important source of potassium, which is so necessary to the human body. As for carbs, you should not forget that it is also a vital element in the diet, because they need to maintain and replenish energy levels.

Reason # 2: the normal work of the intestine

In one average banana contains three grams of fiber. Is 10 percent of the daily dose. Also bananas are a lot of prebiotics, i.e. such a type of fermented fiber that nourishes the good bacteria in the human gut. And it can improve digestion, maintain satiety for a longer period. It is noteworthy that this will allow even a good idea to lose weight, unless, of course, people will be sensitive to their nutrition and follow the recommendations for physical activity.

Reason # 3: recovery from physical activity

As we have mentioned above, bananas have a lot of potassium, which affects the muscles. Also in this fruit there are some compounds and phytochemicals, which will help you to recover after a workout or any other physical activity. These substances are removed the inflammation in the body that is caused by heavy load. That is bananas is able to relieve muscle tension and soreness in muscles after a tough training process.

Reason # 4: an excellent source of energy

Bananas are a great source of energy due to the large amount of carbohydrates, natural sugars in its composition. So we can call them the perfect products not only after exercise but also before it. Because the foods that need to consume before that process should contain natural sugars for energy, and softly to act on digestion, so as not to interfere with classes. Also there is the assumption that bananas can increase sports performance.

Reason # 5: observance of the water balance

Thanks to the bananas you can adjust the balance of body fluids. Again, a key role in this issue plays potassium that is in the fruit incredibly much. Especially after intense workouts.

Reason # 6: weight loss

As paradoxical as it may sound, but Yes, bananas are great for weight loss. The fact that they contain large amounts of sugar, which will make this product perfect for adding to various dishes. Quite often the bananas substitute for regular sugar, because it is well podslushivaet a variety of pastries. Also bananas provide the perfect texture and incredible flavor.

Reason # 7: improve heart function

Also there is another reason to eat bananas every day is that they help improve heart function. It’s all in the potassium, which is vital for heart. According to numerous studies, potassium in large amounts can significantly lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke. Also due to potassium excreted excess sodium from the body. And it was this element is a risk factor for heart disease.

Reason No. 8: improving the work of kidneys

It is known that vegetables and fruits are beneficial to the function of many organs, including the kidneys. This is especially true of bananas, which had a more pronounced effect. High concentration of phenols in the banana helps to reduce the risk of developing carcinoma of the kidney. Also, a large amount of potassium helps to reduce the likelihood of kidney stones. Therefore, consume the bananas should be every day.

Reason # 9: high concentration of vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is essential to the human body, like all other vitamins. It is very a lot of bananas — almost a third of the recommended daily value. Bananas are especially useful for normal development of the fetus during pregnancy and normal course different kinds of enzyme reactions related to metabolism. By the way, it is known that people often deficiency of this vitamin, so it will be optimal to include in your diet bananas to fill the gap.

Reason # 10: bananas control the appetite

If you have experienced hunger, you know that the most optimal way is to eat something high in calories and carbohydrate. Helps control appetite bananas, because they have a type of fiber called resistant starch, which helps people to consume fewer calories. Therefore, bananas will be a great snack or can even replace a full Breakfast. Importantly, in all know the measure and not to violate the total calories of the daily diet.

See also:the Color of bananas – what does it affect?