Mushrooms save health

The experiments of scientists from Pennsylvania state University showed that regular consumption of mushrooms helps to some changes in the body to help reduce the risk of diabetes.

In particular, the experts stated that the regular inclusion of mushrooms in rationalised the probability of emergence of diabetes of the second type. This is the conclusion the researchers came after tests on rodents.

Biologists have observed animals that received daily mushrooms in quantity equivalent to 85 grams for a person. It was found that the use of mushrooms contributed to the growth in the number of bacteria of the genus Prevotella. These microorganisms, according to scientists, affect the mechanisms control the production of glucose in the body. Thanks to their activity, the body becomes much better protected against metabolic diseases.

To show whether a similar effect from eating mushrooms people remains to be seen. Scientists believe that these mushrooms can be useful not only against diabetes but also excess weight. Preliminary studies have allowed researchers to conclude that regular consumption of mushrooms as food helps fight cancer, breast cancer.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about the fact that eating Flaxseed may protect against the development of deadly disease.