How to extend the life? New recipe for longevity

Extend the life of a man is capable of systematically replenishing the body with vitamins and trace elements, the conclusion to this effect was made by experts of the research Institute at children’s hospital Oakland (USA). In their opinion, will contribute to the longevity diet, which will contain the optimum level of vitamins, minerals and other substances that are not vitamins, however valuable, – reported by MedicalXpress.

Institute staff noted that in a situation of insufficient supply of vitamin the body is forced to compensate for their shortage at the expense of their internal reserves. Thus exhausted its resources, which would serve as the body to protect against infections and diseases, fast recovery, if necessary, and to maintain physiological processes.

“Not having adequate amount of vitamins and minerals, the body is forced to expend their remains to maintain vital functions and reproductive health to the detriment of other processes,” – said on this occasion, the authors of the study.
Speaking of other substances longevity, but are not vitamins that scientists have identified in the first place such as taurine, rich in ergothioneine, pyrrolopyridine, alpha – and beta-carotene.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about what fruit nutritionists believe the best in life extension.