Miraculous raspberry: all about the benefits and dangers berries

The contents

Composition and caloric raspberry

Useful properties of raspberries

Harm raspberry

Raspberries are considered an incredibly healthful berry. But like any product it has its contraindications. Read more about this in the material.

Composition and caloric raspberry

100 grams of raspberries contains only 46 calories, including 5 grams of fat, 8 grams of protein and 3 grams of carbohydrates. The berry is rich in its composition: it has a lot of vitamins, micro – and macroelements. It contains dietary fiber and water. Read more about stock:

  • Vitamins C, b, E, PP, K;
  • Malic, citric, salicylic acid;
  • Calcium;
  • Potassium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Iron;
  • Zinc;
  • Bor;
  • Manganese;
  • Sulfur;
  • Selenium;
  • Sodium;
  • Copper;
  • Anthocyanins;
  • Chlorine;
  • Phosphorus.

Also incredibly useful, not only the fruit but also the raspberry leaves. A lot of minerals, sugars, vitamins and volatile. Most are attracted by the content of vitamin C, which is used in the treatment of various diseases, including colds. So it is not surprising that grandmother’s recipes from the flu and SARS is always present raspberry.

Useful properties of raspberries

First, raspberries are considered one of the best antioxidants. Therefore, it can be an indispensable assistant in the fight against old age. This delicious berry is often used in cosmetics because her bones have an excellent exfoliating effect.

Also, due to the antioxidants in combination with the macronutrients and minerals improves the function of the intestine. In addition, when diseases of the stomach raspberry can reduce pain.

Second, the raspberry is such a property as strengthening the immune system. For vitamin deficiency it is shown, as it promotes the healing process.

Due to the presence of beta-sitosterol prevents cholesterol accumulation in blood vessels. Part of raspberry has phytosterols, which will be an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis. In addition, raspberries can be used as an antiemetic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs.

We can say that the raspberry is a universal remedy for various diseases. It is recommended to normalize the kidneys, leukemia, anemia, diabetes, in the treatment of various gynecological diseases, including to restore elasticity and firmness to the muscle of the uterus. This berry is useful in fading of the skin, as a prophylactic for stress, nervous breakdowns, depression.

By the way, another important medicinal property of raspberry against alcoholic hangovers. All thanks to fruit acids contained in the fruit. The best in this respect is a decoction of raspberry.

Decoctions of the leaves of the plant will reduce temperature, have diaphoretic and expectorant effects. It can also be used to normalize blood pressure.

During the growth of oncological diseases, we are unable to mention anti-cancer properties of raspberries. Berry prevents the emergence and development of cancer cells.

The high content of manganese and fiber leads to maintain metabolism at a high level, burns fat and helps to lose weight.

Harm raspberry

There is also the reverse side of the coin. But, as a rule, raspberry harms only those people who are contraindicated for one reason or another this berry. So, it is better excluded from the diet of individuals who have problems with the urinary tract and kidneys. Because the product contains a lot of mineral salts which cause the formation of stones.

The same applies to patients with exacerbations of gastritis or gastric ulcer. You should also be careful when taking drugs that prevent blood clotting, because the raspberry has the opposite effect. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the emergence of allergic reactions. After all, at the expense of essential substances in the berries can be negative reactions in Allergy sufferers.

Don’t eat the raspberries and the presence of nasal polyps, bronchial asthma. Also too many berries for pregnant women can cause allergies in your unborn child.

To the raspberry bring only benefit, not harm, you need to know the daily dose and not exceed it. So, an adult need to eat 50 grams a day or three tablespoons. So you will be able to feel the benefits of this beautiful and delicious berries.