Chicken eggs not to be stored in the refrigerator door

A group of American experts headed Blackoak lake came to the conclusion that the refrigerator door is not a good place to store eggs, reported Nation News. According to scientists, this storage method can accelerate spoilage.

Experts have told that the refrigerator door, as they have been able to verify during the experiments, is a place where there are no stable low temperature, it is necessary for the safety of the product. People during the day very often opens and closes the refrigerator, and cause temperature fluctuations in the area of the door. As a result, according to the researchers, “the eggs prematurely starts the process of decay”.

The contents of the eggs on the door promotes the growth of bacteria. The eggs in this plan is dangerous as a source of Salmonella. Eggs can contain these bacteria from the outside, if they hit a shell, and inside, if the chicken was infected and Salmonella enters the egg before shell formation.

From how the eggs were stored and prepared, depends on the risk of infection. In the refrigerator, the Salmonella is not killed, but do not breed. Experts spoke about the fact that advisable to store eggs on a shelf of the refrigerator, preferably at about the back wall. In the CPS I believe the right already purchased egg wash and place in the refrigerator – it will protect against the possible spread of Salmonella from the surface of the shell around the refrigerator.

How to test the freshness of eggs? Place the egg in a container of water. If you lay on the bottom in a horizontal position – so fresh; if stood upright, the shelf life at the end; if surfaced.

In may, Chinese scientists found that eating one egg per day by 26% reduces the risk of hemorrhagic stroke, 18% the risk of premature death.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about why eggs should be a staple in the diet.