Black tea helps to lose weight is not worse than green

No less effective than green tea to lose extra pounds helps black tea, is confirmed by the analysis of scientists isuniversity California vlos-Angeles. The results of this work published evropeiskom the journal of nutrition.

Scientists conducted an experiment with participation of mice that divided nacecare groups differing in the specific food. In particular, mouse polyclonal sugar ijira, or a lot of sugar ijira or ate sugar and fat in varying proportions with the simultaneous addition of extract of black tea.

Watching the animals, the scientists analyzed the amount of fat in itele, as well as the condition of the intestine and liver. These indicators for the finals of the experiment was improved in those who took a black tea.

“Abigroup mice who consumed black tea, gained less fat even though nayacakalou diet with a higher amount of fat isahara,” said the authors of the project.
They found that the extract of black Caucasian special influence of nutraflora of the intestine – other than the fact which renders green tea. The use of black increased in mice concentration of bacteria Pseudobutyrivibrio, and short-chain fatty acids. This change has led to the fact that fat from food in the cleavage was not delayed in the fat depot (the strategic reserve of the body), and processed and output without delay, simultaneously speeding up the metabolism.

The researchers stressed that the effect of black tea is only for a physical activity – obtained tea mouse was moving a lot.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about what drinks were included specialists in the list of the most harmful to the body.