9 great ways to sleep like babies

Experts in the field struggle with insomnia called 8 ways that will help us sleep like babies. Recall that the quality of sleep and its duration depend on many aspects, from youthful skin to the immune system.

1. Try mumble.Internal mooing, which is used in yoga and Ayurveda, creates a deep healing vibration. It is believed that the lowing relaxes the mind and nervous system, allowing you to get rid of negative emotions and stimulating the production of the hormone melatonin, immersing us in a dream.

2. Check the hormones. Today, for a small fee you can conduct a study of melatonin levels in the body. If it is too low, it is facing not only insomniabut also depression. To stimulate the production of melatonin will help deep breathing, meditation, turning off electrical devices and earlier bedtimes.

3. Eat cherries and prunes. Buy melatonin in the pharmacy is impossible, but it is available in natural forms, including cherries, prunes and grapes. In bananas, oats, and milk also contains components that stimulates the production of melatonin.

4. Massage of the jaw. Poured from bad people is often observed gnashing of teeth. To counteract this, start to massage the lower jaw middle fingers, starting from the sides and gradually moving toward the chin. Do it about 30 seconds 5 times a day.

5. Stimulating breath. Many people swallow air, causing their nervous system is permanently activated, heart rate and pressure increased. That is why they have a hard time getting sleep. To establish the breath is one of the first steps to solve all the problems listed above.

6. Yoga. Practice a particular asana called viparita karani, in which you lean against the feet to the wall, lying on his back. It can perform any people, it is an excellent remedy against insomnia. Only 10 minutes a day.

7. Laugh often. Don’t forget to watch your favorite Comedy in the evenings. Laughter and high spirits stimulate the production of oxytocin – a hormone of happiness, helps to relax and strengthen the immune system.

8. A daily walk. We need natural light to produce serotonin and melatonin, and the best way to get it are walking. Also, if you go a lot, the brain relaxes, promotes creativity and tranquillity. (READ MORE)