6 reasons to regularly eat eggs

The use of chicken eggs is associated with a number of advantages for the body, say experts in the field of healthy nutrition.

Eggs help to lose weight. This is one of the most nourishing products, allowing you to forget about the hunger – all thanks to the fact that eggs contain vitamins and minerals can prevent deficiency of any nutrients in the body and lack of energy. Egg white, in turn, support the formation of muscles.

Eggs allow us not to suffer from fatigue that may occur during the working day. They include fats, essential amino acids and vitamin B12 – these components support the production of energy needed for both physical and mental activity.

Eggs protect eye health and vision. They contain antioxidant substances lutein and zeaxanthin, which prevent the development of diseases of vision (cataracts, macular degeneration, blindness).

Chicken eggs will improve cognitive function. They contain a substance choline that help to form cell membranes, serving as a filter for the brain cells, which can not penetrate to the toxins. In addition, the body uses choline to regulate the nervous system, memory processes.

Eggs reduce inflammation in the body. Complex, choline, antioxidants and amino acids in this product resists the processes that cause inflammation of cells and tissues. In particular, the use of eggs stimulates the excretion of waste entering the bloodstream through digestion of food, beverages, drugs.

Eggs strengthen the immune system. This is due to the presence of eggs the main nutrients involved in the production of antibodies.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about who the experts recommend eating the mustard.