Products that cannot have children

The contents

Skim milk


Sausage, hot dogs, chicken nuggets

Canned fruit sirope


Cocoa and coffee





The child’s body is characterized by its fragility and sensitivity. Some foods that happy consume adults, in a completely different way affect the child. We are now talking about quite a seemingly harmless things. We believe these products are completely harmless, but in fact, in them is hidden a great danger to children.

Skim milk

Most parents prefer not to give children cow’s milk, preferring skim, almond or soy. It is believed to be more beneficial. But in fact, scientists have long known that low fat content can lead to more disastrous consequences and health problems of children.

In particular, children who drink cow’s milk are twice as likely to low levels of vitamin D. Also, these children have on average 1.5 cm lower growth rates than those who drank three cups of cow’s milk.


Nuts can be a big benefit, for example, to enhance brain activity. But at the same time they are extremely allergic. Therefore, even if the child has no allergies, there is a certain risk. Therefore it is better not to give children under four years, the whole nuts. But to exclude this product should not be, a viable option is to add chopped nuts into a paste or puree.

Sausage, hot dogs, chicken nuggets

These products are harmful for all — for children and adults. However, the immature organisms of children are not ready for such products, they will cause irreparable harm. The fact that in the sausage, hot dogs, nuggets contains a lot of preservatives, for example, nitrates. They harm the body. But their excessive amounts can lead to the development of cancer of various types. Best to replace such harmful products meat chicken or Turkey, steamed.

Canned fruit sirope

It is believed that canned fruits are not as useful as fresh. But scientists have denied the fact, saying that in them the same benefits as fresh. However, some negative effects still there. Most often they are sold in sweet syrups that contain incredible amounts of sugar. Because of this their children is not recommended, because excessive amounts of fruit in sugar syrup will lead to obesity. It is better to choose fruit in natural syrup, it is much more useful.


The fish and seafood a lot of the beneficial nutrients. Of course, it will be helpful for your child, so why we have included these products to your list, you ask? First, the seafood need to enter into the diet only after a certain age. For example, the Japanese, who eat fish constantly, give her children only 4-5 years.

Second, some of these products can hurt the baby. The reason is that manufacturers often label products incorrectly, masking cheap (or even smuggling) fish under the guise of honey. In addition, there may be large amounts of mercury or other hazardous substances.

Optimally to give the child a fish in 4-5 years, and to choose seafood that contains less mercury. These include salmon, crab. Furthermore, it is not necessary for children to eat raw fish, which often contains in the sushi and the rolls. Don’t forget that children also should be immunized, including against hepatitis A.

Cocoa and coffee

About coffee know almost all parents. But I think most cocoa children drink, but it’s actually not. Because it also contains caffeine, which can cause various problems, nervousness, frequent urination, insomnia, heart palpitations. The same effects are waiting for children when drinking coffee.

Cocoa also can be dangerous due to the large amount of sugar in its composition. So, if you want to delight children in this drink, it should be given in small quantities and only in the morning. Also, watch the level of sugar in it.


Marshmallows can cause choking. Even if the marshmallows are not small, it still melts quickly. With laughter, food can enter the respiratory tract. As well as the marshmallow contains large amounts of sugar, so it is better to abandon the purchase of sweets. The most optimal way is to do the marshmallow with your hands and then give it to the children.


Kids rarely know about the dangers of mushrooms, therefore, the first duty of parents to tell their children. If you go into the forest to show the toxic species and in any case not to let them eat while playing on the street. These products, like marshmallows, can cause asphyxiation.

The second danger of fungi is that a lot of fiber. This substance is very poorly digested in the immature organism. Therefore, it is better to start to give mushrooms to children at the age of only 5-6 years, not before. In addition, do not buy mushrooms with it. This will protect not only your child, but yourself from toxic and untested species.


Corn causes flatulence and causes colic in young children. These unpleasant sensations will bring a lot of discomfort, so to a year or even two it is better to abandon corn in the diet. In addition, she is a strong allergen, so you need to monitor how the child responds to eating corn.


Cabbage is also cause flatulence, like corn. To introduce this vegetable in the diet of children should be two years, to avoid unpleasant sensations.