Scientists have learned about the unexpected cause of cancer

German researchers found that the imbalance of intestinal microflora may lead to the emergence of a cancerous tumor in the colon.

First, experts from the Technical University of Munich came to learn more about how microbes affect the development of inflammatory processes in the gut, because until recently it was believed that the bacteria combined with cell stress only affect it.

But a new study has revealed the possibility of cancer in the colon by changes in the microbial ecosystem. German researchers followed the process of the growth of a malignant tumor, is not accompanied by inflammation. The researchers found that the disruption of specific protein ATF6 leads to what is happening cellular stress. This process provokes the development of cancer.

Scientists conducted an experiment on mice having no intestinal microflora. Upon activation protein transcriptional changes occurred, but when the rodents were returned to their microflora, there were signs of cancer. Researchers have shown the opening Henle the postulates of Koch, which is considered a recognized method of identifying microorganisms-pathogens.

The researchers analyzed data from more than half of the thousands of patients with colorectal cancer and found that recurrence occurred with a greater proportion of the failure factor ATF6.

Specific protein, in the opinion of the authors of the study, can serve as a marker indicating an increased risk of tumors in the colon. In such cases you need to apply microbial treatment, but to begin to study the composition of bacteria. The researchers emphasized the importance of a healthy intestinal microflora the health of the human body.