How to ease morning sickness during pregnancy?

The contents

Why pregnant women suffering from toxemia and when it is the norm?

Diet to combat morning sickness

Folk remedies for getting rid of toxicity

What to do if seasick in transport?

Early pregnancy many women are accompanied by vomiting, nausea and loss of appetite, all this causes the expectant mother considerable discomfort. Magicforum decided to figure out what to do to beat morning sickness or at least reduce its severity, in the first weeks of pregnancy feel better.

Why pregnant women suffering from toxemia and when it is the norm?

Morning sicknessis a big problem for pregnant women, which occurs suddenly and get rid of it very difficult. The first four weeks after conception the baby, the woman typically does not feel significant changes in your body and not feel any discomfort.

Over the next eight weeks is an endocrine alteration, it leads to toxemia. Judging by the reviews pregnant, it usually hurts in the morning or in the evening, after a tiring day. After the twelfth week of pregnancy, when the fetus is formed, the hormones typically becomes stable and queezy feelings disappear.

If the toxicity did not disappear after the first trimester, this may indicate the fact that internal organs operate with violations. In the future this may cause complications.

Slight nausea at 5-12 weeks of pregnancy, according to the majority of gynecologists, is a normal phenomenon. In medicine it is called early toxicosis. If in addition to the nausea, the woman worried about frequent vomiting or did it start at a later date must consult with your doctor. Late toxicosis may be a normal variant, however, the doctor should examine the condition of the mother to understand what causes the feeling of nausea during this period.

Diet to combat morning sickness

Women who suffer from morning sickness during the early pregnancy, we recommend the following tips:

1.To refuse fried, smoked, spicy foods, carbonated water.

2.Better to focus on fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meats, chicken, fish, cooked without added spices for a couple or in the process of cooking.

3.Eating small meals.

4.In the morning before you get up, eat a slice of citrus, biscuit or dried fruit.

5.During the day to drink mineral water without gas, which is to drink small years.

Folk remedies for getting rid of toxicity

To get rid of morning sickness without drugs it is possible. There are homemade ways to relieve nausea in pregnant women. Traditional methodscan be even more effective than medication, but it is important to understand that a doctor’s consultation is also required. Many women say that a good remedy to combat morning sickness will be drinking the following solution: half a gram of ascorbic acid, cranberry juice or tincture of rose hips.

To prepare rose hips need to pour it into a tablespoon and mix in a saucepan with two cups of hot water. Heat for twenty minutes and then leave to infuse in a thermos. Drink half a glass after a meal a couple times a day. You can add a spoonful of honey.

For cranberry juice need: good knead 150 g of cranberries (in a blender). The mixture pour hot water and allow to steep for a couple of hours. After strain, and add sugar to taste. In the resulting drink, you can add berry juice and lemon juice. Drink small SIPS at the moment queezy feelings.

As relieving the nausea means you can also use orange, tomato or grapefruit juice. They, due to the fact that contain in their composition a large amount of minerals, vitamins and other nutrients have a beneficial effect on the body and free him from sickness sensations. When it’s too hot, the juice can add ice cubes.

To reduce nauseous feelings can breathe a variety of oils, such as roses. You should start with a few minutes, gradually increasing the time.

Also a good helper is considered to be Travina tea, for example, mint or currant.

Massage that help relieve the morning sickness

Some pregnant women struggle with morning sickness helps Chinese acupressure. It should be done several times a day, not more than one minute. This massage involves the impact on the following points:

•in the place where the line drawn through the nipple is in contact with the inner edge of the breast;

•between the index finger and thumb;

•to find the next points you need to do the following: on the knee to put an open hand between the ring finger with the knee is greater, it is the required point;

•and the last point is sought: the left hand must be put to the top of the hand, cover it with the right palm, so that the base was on the bend of the left hand. This longing and need to massage.

If a woman suffered fright or nervous

When a woman is quite nervous or scared, queezy feelings can worsen, as the nervous system is in an excited state. By itself, nausea is a symptom of a panic attack. These seizures are most common among women with a weak nervous system or tracer if the situation lasted a long period of time. For smoothing emotions can help soothing Travina tea or breathing exercises.

What to do if seasick in transport?

Pregnant women may feel sick in transport. This can be found often in pregnant women. It is best to ride only in the front seats and watch the road through the windshield. It is not recommended to follow the road into the side window or to take a seat back along the path. Best of all, for an hour or two before the trip not to eat anything in food except plain water. It is not necessary to use any special drugs against motion sickness without first consulting your doctor.

Usually, symptoms of early toxicity go to 12 weeks of pregnancy. To facilitate its flow it is recommended to follow the food regime, sufficient rest (required for proper sleep), not to neglect the walks in the fresh air (at least 2 hours a day) to protect themselves from disturbances and disorders.

Previously, scientists have proven that women with toxemia are born healthy and intelligent children.