Infections that threaten pregnant

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What infections threaten pregnant?

What infections threaten the children?

During pregnancy there is often a need for the use of antibacterial, antimycobacterial, antifungal, antiviral drugs for the treatment of urogenital or extragenital pathology of diseases. Magicforum found out what infection and disease threaten pregnant and what is to fear in the first place.

What infections threaten pregnant?

There are about 50 of intrauterine infection, that is, those that are transferred from mother to embryo, to fetus during pregnancy or to infant during birth and may be caused by bacteria, viruses, rarely by parasites. The frequency of intrauterine infection is about 10% of all pregnancies. Congenital infectious pathology in 18-20% of cases is the cause of perinatal mortality.

The most dangerous for the unborn child are the so-called TORCH infections that cause the development of serious anomalies during pregnancy. In 1971, the who has identified these infections in the whole complex, named from the first letters of the main pathologies in this group:

– toxoplasmosis (T – Toxoplasmosis);

– other infections (O – Other infections; parvovirus, enterovirus, varicella, hepatitis viruses b and C, human immunodeficiency virus; the causative agents of syphilis, chlamydia, listeriosis, candidiasis, gonorrhea, etc.);

– rubella (R – Rubella);

infection cytomegalovirus (C – Сytomegalovirus, IC);

– herpes (H – Herpes simplex virus, herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 types).

Another version of the name – TORCHES (TOxoplasmosis, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, HErpes simplex, Syphilis).

Although each of these infections has your forecast, their dangerincreases significantly during infection at the initial stages of pregnancy that brings to the death of a child or to rise to his severe malformations. If the infection happened in the later stages of pregnancy, the child may develop abnormalities of hearing, vision, developmental delays, etc. for Example, if a woman contracted rubella in the period 0-12 weeks of pregnancy in 20% of cases, there is fetal death, miscarriage, 80% – severe congenital anomalies; if infection has occurred in a period of 12-16 weeks of pregnancy, the child may develop deafness, delay in intellectual development during 16-40 weeks of pregnancy occurs congenital disorders of the blood vessels of the heart.

What infections threaten the children?

Infection of T during pregnancy may be accompanied with severe neurological disorders of the fetus. In severe cases, when infection occurs in 1-2 T-th trimester, it may cause fetal death; the child develops chorioretinitis, brain calcifications, micro – or Cephalonia, in the future, is lagging behind in mental development.

IC pregnant is the leading cause of congenital deafness in children, and during infection of women during pregnancy this virus in 40% of cases transferred to the fetus.

Neonatal herpes infections in 90% of cases the infection is transmitted during delivery with only 5% of transmission occurs in utero. The infant mortality rate can reach 20%, and 50% of infected children develop serious neurological disorders.

Chlamydial infection during pregnancy is often the cause of spontaneous abortions, stillbirths, premature births.

Infection with Ureaplasmais associated with the development of chorioamnionitis and preterm birth.

A serious problem for the woman and her unborn child (inflammation of the pelvis, joints, premature rupture of membranes, eye lesions in the newborn) may also be the disease gonorrhea because the level of sensitivity of this parasite to currently available antibacterial drugs is very low.

When syphilis in pregnant women and premature births occur with a frequency of 50%, stillbirth rates to 7.7%. Congenital syphilis can manifest severe anaemia, thrombocytopenia, hepatosplenomegaly, skeletal damage, neurosyphilis.

The progressive increase of resistance of microorganisms to existing anti-infective drugs, high population mobility due to the growing problem of confrontation, not only of TORCH-infections, but any other infectious processes. This is largely true of malaria, the risk of which, according to who estimates, 1200000000 threatens the inhabitants of the Earth. In 2013, there were 198 000 000 malaria patients, 584 thousand of whom died.

The incidence of that infection during pregnancy can significantly affect its course, the fetus and newborn. In particular, in women with malaria, risk of anaemia is increased to 33%, premature birth – up to 13%, the stillbirth rate to 8%.

The above brief description of problems encountered during infection of a pregnant woman, convinced that she must not only carefully screened for the presence of infectious process, but also to heal completely. The last in any medical intervention during pregnancy and lactation is considerably complicated by the need to carefully weigh the balance of benefit for the mother / risk for fetus or infant. If necessary, treatment for pregnant women with infectious processes it is important to choose the most effective for mother and safe for the unborn child the drug. The problem of rational choice is complicated significantly by the need for timely diagnostic pathology and General increase of microbial resistance to existing anti-infective agents. Therefore, significantly increases the role of prevention, which primarily relates to diseases that are transmitted sexually.

When deciding drug therapy in pregnant women or during lactation is thoroughly familiar with the instructions for use of medications and carefully weigh the benefits of its use for the mother and the potential risk to the fetus or infant.

Before the appointment (vacations) medication that is dangerous to the fetus or infant, in women of reproductive age of doctor (pharmacist) explains the question about the presence (absence) of the pregnancy or the fact that breastfeeding a child.

Earlier, doctors spoke about fungal infections of the genital organs in men.