Antioxidant therapy in the treatment of diabetes

Find out which antioxidants you need to take diabetes!

In order to live we need to breathe can’t argue with that. And in order that we could breathe, the air should be a certain amount of oxygen. But the oxygen that we need a rather aggressive gas. A healthy person can successfully resist the aggression of the gas. But in diabetic patients the metabolic processes in the body is disrupted. This can lead to increased blood concentration of reactive forms of oxygen, such as peroxides and antioxidants. In the result of proteins, lipids and DNA of cells oxidized by oxidative stress.

The use of antioxidants must be approached carefully. Plant foods, containing a broad spectrum of natural antioxidants, plant oils, tea, red wine, citrus fruits, cabbage, peppers, carrots, tomatoes, blueberries, strawberries, other vegetables, fruits, berries, serve as an adequate support protective forces of an organism at various, including full diet, helping to maintain health, performance, and energy at high intellectual, emotional and environmental stress.

It is the diversity of natural forms of antioxidants and their pharmacological and biological effects may play a crucial role in reducing the risk of developing cancer, cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, arthritis, diabetes, and postpone aging.
And remember the words of Paracelsus: Everything is a poison, and nothing is devoid of toxicity; alone the dose makes the poison invisible (in the popular presentation: Everything is poison and everything is medicine; it is determined by the dose).

Diabetes is disturbed balance between the processes of oxidation and antioxidant protection. Organism worse neutralizes free radicals. High blood sugar leads to the activation of oxidative stress, and leads to complications. Therefore, a diabetic should think about how to strengthen the body’s antioxidant defenses. In the fight against free radicals in our body is actively involved a number of vitamins, such as C and E, and other antioxidants. Timely intake of these substances will help bring order to metabolic processes and to prevent the occurrence of oxidative stress.

  • Alpha-lipoic acid. Medicines containing alpha-lipoic or thioctic acid has been used successfully to treat a dangerous complication of diabetes as diabetic neuropathy. This acid is involved in metabolic processes and promotes regeneration of oxidized antioxidants.
  • Selenium. Years of research have shown that food rich in selenium significantly reduces the risk of diabetes in men. The daily human need for selenium is about 55 mg, and the maximum allowable dose of the substance is 400 mg per day. In only one egg it contains 15 mg and 27 mg. bagel to Exceed the maximum rate very difficult, but if you try, it develops selenos.
  • Vitamin E. This fat-soluble vitamin is a powerful antioxidant. It prevents damage to lipids in cell membranes and accumulation of oxidized substances. The most effective vitamin E for joint action with other antioxidants. With its lack of vitamin a and selenium are oxidized and lose their antioxidant properties. But for the normal operation of the vitamin E requires the presence of ascorbic acid. Without the tongue vitamin E can produce toxic substances that damage cell proteins.
  • Vitamin C or ascorbic acid. People diabetes diabetes have a great need for this water-soluble vitamin. He needed to eliminate free radicals and protect the lipids from oxidation. The ability of the tongue to protect against infections, boost immunity and promote wound healing makes this vitamin is essential in preventing a number of complications in diabetes.

See also:WHAT are the VITAMINS WE NEED in the FALL?

  • Vitamin B1 or thiamine. Thiamine is used to treat neurological diseases of the peripheral nervous system. In diabetes, this vitamin protects the kidneys from the negative effects of high sugar levels and prevents the development of diabetic nephropathy. In medical practice often used substance with diaminopropanol activity benfotiamine.

Do not forget that many useful and necessary substances in too high doses can have the opposite effect and be harmful to health, and antioxidants are no exception. Free radicals are essential for the normal functioning of cells. They help to strengthen muscles and help maintain normal blood sugar levels. Moderate amount of active oxygen molecules even prevents the development of diabetes. When excessive intake of antioxidants may be blocked not only the harmful effects of free radicals, but also their positive effect. So before you take drugs that contain antioxidants, consult a doctor. He will be able to find you a suitable complex of substances and determine the necessary dose.