Prediabetes: what is it, symptoms, and treatment of prediabetes

The contents

Signs of prediabetes

What is prediabetes

Products that is consumed in a state of prediabetes

Menu for people in a state of prediabetes

For a long time, sometimes for many years, disorder of carbohydrate metabolism can remain hidden, unnoticed, without high blood sugar. Diagnosis of prediabetes is difficult because of scanty and atypical signs of disorders of the diabetic type. Magicforum found out that you need to pay attention.

Complaints may be business as usual – fatigue, decreased performance, persistent headaches, etc. are Sometimes added to them cramps, palpitations, sweating.

Signs of prediabetes

Obesity or weight loss can also be an early and sometimes the only manifestations of prediabetes, especially with the rapid development.

•Blood sugar and insulin

After eating, the body begins to process carbohydrates, proteins and fats. We measure these nutrients in grams and calories, but the body recognizes them only as fuel. Keep in mind that every carbohydrate you consume is converted into glucose. The truth is that bread, pasta, cakes, fruits, cereals, potatoes, rice, sodas, etc. are converted to glucose. Because glucose is the fuel, it is extremely toxic in large quantities if it is not absorbed by the cells. That’s why our body has a unique mechanism for storing glucose in the cells. Thus, a large amount of glucose in the blood is stored in the fastest way in the cells in the form of glycogen.

Pancreas feels elevated blood sugar levels and secretes insulin. Insulin is a special hormone that allows glucose (also fat and amino acids) enter the cells of muscles and liver. But here’s the thing. When these cells are overwhelmed, for example, people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, this glucose turns into fat.

If we go back to 10 000 years ago, we can see that our ancestors did not have access to sugars or access to many carbs. Here and there was fruit, root vegetables, and carbs in General is a very small part of the everyday diet. Some anthropologists contend that prehistoric people consumed 80 grams of carbohydrates a day. The rest of their meal consisted of protein and fat. And low carbohydrate consumption has provided a minimum increase of sugar level in the blood.

So, when we consume too many carbohydrates, the pancreas secretes insulin.But if the cells in the muscles and liver is overloaded with glycogen, the body gradually begin not to respond to insulin. The intensity of ability to use insulin is reduced. If glucose can’t get into the liver or muscle, it remains in the blood. The pancreas senses that blood too much glucose and produces more insulin. Which cell surface receptors become even more resistant to insulin because high levels of insulin are also very harmful.

When we eat too many carbohydrates and not moving, and don’t exercise, the body develops an increasing resistance to insulin.

What is prediabetes

Prediabetes is a condition characterized by an elevated sugar level, which is not high enough to diagnose diabetes. Proper diet can prevent the progression of the disease.

Diet in a state of pre-diabetes should be balanced, including healthy foods to lower glucose level in patients at risk of development of type 2 diabetes.

This mode requires a rethinking of power as some of the common products contain ingredients which increase the blood sugar level.

Adhering to this diet, you can improve the health and normalize weight. In this article you will learn about healthy eating in a stage of prediabetes.

Prediabetes is a condition in which the blood sugar levels slightly above normal, but not so high to diagnose type 2 diabetes.

This diet will be useful not only to patients in a state of prediabetes but to all others, regardless of whether they have the risk of diabetes.

Products that is consumed in a state of prediabetes

Best to control the glucose levels are foods with a low glycemic index. They saturate the body with fiber, protein, beneficial fats.

Sample menu for patients in the prediabetes state as follows:


•Whole-wheat bread

•Vegetables not containing starch, such as carrots or green beans

•Kidney and Pinto beans

•Jerusalem artichoke

•Pasta whole grain

•Chicken without skin


•Natural yogurt

•Egg whites

•Quinoa or buckwheat

Prohibited products

To the blood sugar level is normalized, it is better to avoid any foods that can increase glucose levels.

It is not advisable to consume the following foods and drinks:

•Sweets and pastries

•Ice cream and chocolate

•Carbonated beverages and energy

•Fruit juices with added sugar

•Prunes and dates

•Food with high sugar content (figs, bananas, fruit syrup)

•Fast food and fast food

•Margarine and bad fats

•Fatty dairy products

•Canned foods or foods with a high salt content

•Alcoholic beverages

Menu for people in a state of prediabetes

When a person is diagnosed with prediabetes, the doctor usually prompts you to change your diet to prevent diabetes. Certain aspects, such as age, weight, or other disorders such as gestational diabetes – are also taken into account.

Menu can be selected individually in accordance with the needs of each patient. Below are the options that you can make in your diet.


•Tea, a piece of whole wheat bread, cheese with low-fat yogurt

•Tea, salad, egg

•Grapefruit juice, and crackers made with whole grain, avocado or tomatoes

Second Breakfast

•Orange juice and whole wheat crackers

•Fruit tea

•Oatmeal or almond milk


•Salad with carrots, tuna and brown rice

•Lean meat, green salad, fruit

•Grilled chicken, brown rice, vegetables

Afternoon tea

•Greek yogurt with blueberries

•Toast whole wheat and a slice of Turkey meat


•Grilled fish with vegetables, steamed

•Vegetable soup with grilled chicken

•Mashed pumpkin, rice, jelly or fruit

There are many useful productsthat should be used to monitor the status of pareggiata. But very useful addition to a healthy diet exercise to get the maximum positive effect.

If your blood tests are at the limit or have you been diagnosed with pre-diabetes, you can slow down this process and return to a normal lifestyle.

Physical activity and daily exercise have a huge impact on insulin resistance. Muscles “burn” the stored glycogen in the cells during and after exercise. The muscles that receive the load desperately need this glycogen and will help to regulate the resistance to get your glycogen. That’s why professional athletes can eat 400-600 grams of carbs and are in great shape.

You are concerned about prediabetes? Start the fight today!

Previously, scientists told how coffee can cause a failure in the body.