Home hair restoration: return to hair beauty and youth

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How to get your hair right after the summer?

The rules of hair care

Ends it’s time of summer vacations, citizens are beginning to return to normal rhythm of life. Someone came back from the coast, someone from the country, tanned, refreshed, rested. And suddenly, many girls and women notice with horror that their hair changed for the worse. Instead of shiny locks is dry, brittle, frizzy strands. This effect on unprotected hair hot sun, summer breeze and sea salt. Those who remained in the city, had a negative impact on the condition of the hair urban precipitation, smog and exhaust fumes.

In General, after the summerthe hair needs an ambulance and recovery. Not to part with your favorite curls need to have a set of treatments, and then again you can please yourself fashionable colour and styling. Therefore, those who have neglected sunscreen in the summer and moisturizing hair products will have to be patient for at least two months and follow the simple recommendations.

No sorry, but you have to cut off the split ends and parched hair. This will give them a more healthy and neat appearance. Magicforum decided gathered secrets for hair care.

How to get your hair right after the summer?

The simplest thing can be the next step to healthy hairis to improve nutrition of hair follicles. You need to massage the skin, this will enhance the blood flow to the hair roots. A massage can do a good massage brush, comb made of natural materials or simply fingers. It is advisable to do this procedure in the morning and evening at least for 3 to 5 minutes.

Forget about diets and to organize sensible food. With a limited intake of nutrients are suffering as a rule first the weakest links – the hair and nail plate. So the supporters of low-calorie diets often have problems with hair. To “feed” your hair, you need to include in the diet eggs, seafood and fatty fish, all nuts and seeds and of course vegetables and fruits.

In addition, it is desirable to speed up the metabolism and enhance the blood circulation of the whole body, and this will help a sport or any physical activity.

The rules of hair care

The next step to improve the health of their hair will be clean from harmful substances. A specialty store will have to buy cleansing shampoo. This alkaline product with a PH of 8 or more units. The use of this shampoo will allow the maximum of the scales of the hair open up and remove all the harmful substances that have accumulated over the summer. Only use this remedy for damaged hair only once a month.

The usual shampoo have to replace the nutritious. Best of all one composed of decoctions of herbs, vegetable oils, vitamins and amino acids, and keratin and collagen to restore the damaged structure of hair.

And finally, there is an effective and inexpensive home remedies for hair treatment, you only need to make the effort for their application and patience.

Here are a few simple and inexpensive recipes rejuvenating masks that you can do at home.

All masks are applied on clean, wet, slightly towel-dried hair and scalp. This is the most favorable time for treatment: the scales of the hair are open, the skin hydrated and steamed, ready for maximum absorption of nutrients.

Basis restorative mask is often the base oil: olive, burdock, castor, coconut, almond, peach. Often prefer burdock oil. It is part of the most ready means. By combining and alternating the basic oils, you can create many recipes for the treatment of damaged hair.

Strengthening and restoration of hair and stimulation of the blood flow of the epidermis will lead to the following mixture: 1 tbsp. spoonful of brandy, the yolk of one egg, 1 tbsp of honey, 1 teaspoon of ginger powder, a tablespoon of castor and burdock oil, the same amount of aloe juice – mix all ingredients and apply on damp hair and roots. Head wrap with a plastic bag and wear a warm hat. Hold for 45 minutes. To rinse hair. The mixture can be used to treat a couple of times a week.

For dehydrated and brittle hair suitable mask with burdock or castor oil, aloe juice and honey. All the ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, is applied to the roots and length of hair and leave for an hour. It is recommended to do a warm wrap. Wash off with water.

If the hair is oily at the roots and the ends are broken and dry, will help of kefir mask. Yogurt at room temperature into clean, damp hair and scalp, gently with your fingertips massage. Then all wrapped in a warm scarf and left for 40 minutes. Washed off with water.

Perfectly restores the hair vitamin mask to egg yolks. 1 tbsp of any base oil mixed with the yolk of one egg, there is added 3 drops of vitamins A and E in the oil. The mask must be carefully applied to the roots of the hair and then gently comb the hair comb rare, causing the mixture on the entire mass of hair. The mask remains on the hair then the hair rinse herbal decoction.

Important using masks will rinse decoction of herbs. It is better to prepare in advance. This may be a decoction of almost any pharmacy herbs: nettle, chamomile, birch buds, burdock root. 2 tablespoons dry raw pour a liter of boiling water, the broth infused for about half an hour, then filtered. Before application add a few drops of essential oils of orange, rose, juniper (all depends on personal taste). Rinse hair with this decoction and treatment is completed.

An alternative to herbal teas – green tea. 1 tablespoon of tea leaves brewed and slightly cooled water, infuse. When cool, you drop in tea oil of orange or lemon. This means the hair rinse.

A prepared shampooscontain surfactants that affect the damaged hair. Will replace such funds home banana shampoo. Banana split is cleared from the skin and superficial fibers kneaded into a puree. To this slurry is added 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and egg yolk. The mixture can be whipped with a blender until no lumps and use as usual shampoo.

In addition to conducting the above recovery procedures will have to temporarily abandon the use of a flat iron to straighten the hair and blow dryer with heated air. You will need to hold off on coloring your hair and other aggressive influences. Recovery treatment must be carried out patiently and regularly, using the whole Arsenal of home remedies, then after 2-3 months you can boast shiny, silky, and most importantly, healthy curls.

Previously, scientists have described how the hairspray and the Hairdryer affect the hair.