Be lazy on your health!

They say that all great discoveries were made because of laziness. Don’t be lazy people, is invented they would ever tire? And would carry weights in hands. And cars? And the TV remote?

Mankind and now seeks to ensure that as little as possible to work. Robots are already replacing cashiers, bus conductors and drivers. Even the news – and those writing computers. During the last elections in the U.S., the robot prepared for The Washington Post, more than 500 articles – and all because journalists are lazy to write dry templated notes.

So, lazy is good?

So. American scientists came to the conclusion that this is an important and necessary part of life and nothing that we are demonizing her. Laziness protects us from overtime and stress. Studies have shown that lazy people have better health than the workaholics.

Those who work more than 60 hours a week doubles the likelihood of heart disease, blood vessels and stomach, and 11% alcohol. What can we say about insomnia, obesity and depression. In China, the workaholism has become a real social disaster – more than 500 thousand workers die each year from overwork.

Who will earn the money while I am lazy?

Fanaticism does not mean the efficiency, and more leaders are beginning to understand this. Stanford University Professor John Pencavel calculated that between the results of the employee who worked 55 hours, and who has worked for 70, there is no difference. In addition, workaholics, emotionally unstable, and their health often can not withstand the load: those who work more than 55 hours per week, 33% more likely to take sick leave.

But too lazy, on the contrary, makes us valuable employees. According to scientists, it improves creativity and helps to find creative solutions. It uses bill gates: he once confessedshe would rather take on the job of lazy: that nothing prevented him being lazy, he will find the simplest and most effective solution to the problem. But at the same time will save the company a lot of time and money.

History shows that the billionaire right: many great discoveries were made not because of the hard labor, and in a flash of inspiration. Descartes invented the X and Y axes, watching the fly. The law of hydrostatics occurred to Archimedes when he was in the tub. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin as soon as he returned from vacation.

Science explains this by the fact that some groups of neurons work harder when we rest. The deepest and most creative thoughts are born in a state of rest, a phenomenon which has opened a neurologist Markus Reichl in 2001.

But I’m no longer to get out of bed!

According to scientists, most people are not threatened. You will quickly tire of idleness, and you will want to get back to work. It’s been a long time, and you did not want? Then that means you are not his business. Our ancestors were lazy to walk, so he invented the car. Are you too lazy to follow the instructions of the head – so maybe it makes sense to start a business and become a boss?

Just at rest, you can reflect on your life and develop a plan of action. So be lazy in the name of self-development and with a clear conscience.