25 unusual facts about the health

Twitter new flash mob: people tell one fact about their work in exchange for a like. Our work is your health, so we decided to support the trend and has gathered 25 interesting medical facts.

  1. The world health organization recognised tanning a carcinogen just like cigarettes and alcohol.
  2. Actually Mantoux watering can. But scratching is not.
  3. Sugar is contained in almost all foods. Even in eggs.
  4. In Germany until 1971 at the pharmacy you could buy heroin.
  5. Condoms do not protect against syphilis, herpes and HPV 100%.
  6. From the chicken pox to get vaccinated. Once and for life.
  7. Pregnant women can drink coffee, paint nails, exercise and vaccinations.
  8. Stretching after exercise reduces muscle pain.
  9. Wash hands at least 20 seconds.
  10. Up to 60% of expectant fathers experience a “pregnant” symptoms at the same time with his wife. Some even increases breast.
  11. In 16 of the 166 regions in Russia in water add fluoride. If you live in one of them, you don’t need toothpaste with fluoride.
  12. Diagnosis “spermotoksikoz” in medicine does not exist.
  13. But there is a diagnosis of “Adele Syndrome” is a mental disorder in which a person experiences a strong unrequited love. And it was named in honor of the daughter of Victor Hugo – the girl all his life pursued by an English officer albert Pinson and eventually ended up in a psychiatric clinic.
  14. You can’t eat alcohol fatty heavy food. Better easy and protein.
  15. Because of the razor the hair does not grow faster and become tougher.
  16. Even if you every day “crunch” your fingers, this will not lead to arthritis.
  17. Toad can not infect a person with warts.
  18. If a person without depression will take antidepressants, it does not increase the mood.
  19. Snoring increases the risk of heart attack and reduces the quality of sleep.
  20. Gluten, lactose and yeast does not harm your health. Unless you have intolerances.
  21. Water you need to drink as much as you want, but not 2 liters a day.
  22. Russia has more HIV-positive people than in the whole of Europe put together.
  23. Whole fruit, fresh juice is much more useful, because they have fiber.
  24. Close to watch TV. The center of protection of vision of the United States believes that it does not hurt vision. Except the eyes get tired.
  25. In Russia the most popular method of contraception – coitus interruptus. But he is not reliable. What other methods should not be trusted? Talk in our ranking.

Tell me in the comments how many of these facts did you already know from our articles.