Air from hair loss and for growth

The contents

What is the use of calamus in hair care?

How to prepare a decoction of calamus?

Since ancient times people know about the amazing abilities of dried calamus root. It was used to cure all kinds of diseases and is actively used in cosmetology. Particularly useful properties to nourish and treat the hair and scalp.

Rising airon the banks of ponds, in damp or wet locations. He is absorbed in their properties from water, around which it grows. The ancestral area for Aira – China, although it is known it was because Europeans, who received it from Greece. In Greece the plant was imported by merchants. They did not even know what the treasure is kept in their pantries. Often the Greeks used calamus as a dessert – in the form of candied root. Europeans gained access to the Ira is also only in the middle Ages. At the moment the tool is available and easy to use for beauty. Magicforum figured out how to use the air for the health of hair independently in the home.

What is the use of calamus in hair care?

In proceedings of the hair care used a decoction of dried chopped root. With regular use of the decoction of the root calamus during shampooing is achieved a significant effect for reconstruction of damaged hair. Air used treatments strengthen the roots with a strong loss of hair. It has a positive effect on the strength of the hair. Makes it more alive and strong. Also air used as a healing remedy for dandruff and skin diseases. If you have problems of dry and flaky scalp air has a beneficial effect. All the beauties, dreaming about thick long hair, it is recommended to use a decoction or oil of calamus in daily hair care. It activates the growth of hair follicles and nourishes them with useful items.

As they still use air?

Air used in dentistry to treat inflammation in the oral cavity. Also, the root of calamusis known as an effective remedy for heartburn is used in the prevention of urolithiasis.

Still air is known for its positive effect on male potency. It prescribed just as a stimulant and as a treatment of impotence.

Where to buy calamus root?

Airfor the teas can be ordered in the Internet-shops selling herbal and medicinal plants. Using the services of on-line shops, you should carefully check all the information, to consult with representatives of the shops. The probability to buy a dummy, a fake. The cost of calamus of such portals is 50-100 rubles per tridtsatimetrovy package plus shipping.

Also air is sold in pharmacies. Buy it at the drugstore will cost much cheaper, as there are no transport or postage costs of shipping. Price will be about 100 rubles per pack in seventy five grams.

Air can be purchased from vendors and homemade infusions. This is the best option really, as the cheapest. And most of these vendors grow the herbs yourself, which positively affects their properties. Grown by people for people. The cost calamus, these traders can make up to fifty rubles per 100 grams. In any case, the grass must be of good quality. You need to be sure that it is air rather than a mixture of useless herbs.

How to prepare a decoction of calamus?

Ways to prepare a decoction ofa few and the technology of preparation differs depending on the further application of broth. In most cases, instant results should not wait. It will only appear after a few treatments. To combat the problem of hair loss use this recipe. The crushed root pour boiling water (about one tablespoon per 100 milliliters of water). The mixture needs to boil and let stand for fifteen to twenty minutes. Then the brothstrain, to clean away dry sediment. To use as a conditioner on clean wet hair.

To give hair strength and fortress, you need within three hours, infuse hot water, the crushed root. The infusion is made at the rate of four tablespoons to a quart jar. The infusion is cleared from the meal and every day before going to sleep is rubbed into the hair roots. For greater effectiveness in the infusion is added a pinch lopuhovka root and a handful of hop cones.

In order to make the hair grow better, use this recipe: finely chopped or grated calamus root infused for several days in a cool and dark place. Use as conditioner while washing hair. As mentioned earlier, calamus stimulates the hair follicles, and if you mix air with vinegar, the effectiveness of the infusion will increase and hair will become alive beautiful Shine.

Not only infusions and decoctions

Air, as the companionship and therapeutic tool, used not only in the form of infusions or decoctions, but in the form of essential and cosmetic oils. As the oil is a more concentrated product, its positive effect is significantly superior to other methods of cooking the roots. It, as a decoction, used as tonic for the hair, but its basic properties and therapeutic. Oil of calamus is used to cleanse the scalp, preventing dandruff and skin diseases, also it is definitely working remedy for hair loss. The oil, extracted from the root of sweet flag is actively used not only in cosmetics and pharmacology, but also in the perfume business.

Unlike dry root and decoction, oil of sweet flag can not be eaten.Together with the concentration of nutrients increased the concentration of harmful elements. The ether extract miracle root is often combined with such esters, as oil of cinnamon, cedar, incense, citrus, cardamom and other oils.

It is important to check the broth before using it. The first is to do a test on a small area of skin to understand if you have allergies to this plant, and also just to evaluate individual responses. If it is positive, it is possible to use the infusion on the entire surface of the head.

Previously, doctors told what to do hair loss in children.