Experts believe that in the near future possibility of revolution
Scientists refuted the myth about the benefits of aspirin
Doctors often advise patients with heart disease to take aspirin
Scientists have learned about the unexpected cause of cancer
German researchers found that the imbalance of intestinal microflora may
Scientists successfully reverse Alzheimer’s in mice
Scientists successfully reverse Alzheimer’s in mice by removing ‘zombie cells’
Found a way to block an incurable cancer
Lock number of signals will allow doctors to affect cancer
Scientists reveal drumming helps schoolchildren diagnosed with autism
Drumming for 60 minutes a week can benefit children diagnosed
Sleep no more: the scientists told about the dangers of lack of sleep
Such dependence was established by Swedish scientists. Or rather, they
Scientists discover the brain’s pain control center
Turning off the brain’s ‘pain center’ could finally bring relief
Scientists know why smokers often suffer from colds
A new study by scientists at Yale University have identified
Hope for a cancer vaccine as scientists cure melanoma in mice
Hope for a cancer vaccine as scientists cure skin melanoma