The first signs of a cold? What you need to do in the evening, to turn them away yet

What to do for colds? Sore throat, you feel tired and the limbs pain. What are the home remedies and medicines help to stop the infection before he caught you.

Although they have beaten days of wacker, and the sneezing, sniff colleagues have not plugged up now – eventually, it caught almost everyone.

The first symptoms of a cold: irritation of Throat and constant cough, chills, nose close up, the head feels like cotton wool and in the legs, a dull pain. Coming down with a cold.

What to do for colds? The first commandment is to rest

If you come home in the evenings, you can’t do a lot to ensure that the infection is properly fixed. And if you’re lucky, gone are the complaints the next day even. Several measures to help the winding to overcome the infection rapidly. To summarize, you can “rest, drink plenty of fluids, and moist mucous membranes provide,” says Robert Rauch, a physician and Internist. You take nothing more for this evening, turn off the power. Stress weakens the defense force.

Support the relaxation of the Sauna – sweating stimulates also the immune system. “If the cold starts and you have hardly any symptoms, otherwise, so, still feel comfortable, you can do a moderate session in the sauna quite well,” explains smoke.

Warm bathing has a triple

Multiple effective in a warm bath (37 degrees, not longer than 15 minutes while hot water is running, if the water temperature drops). “Warm bathing is recommended, especially if you freeze. It supports the healing response of the body, the fever,“ explained the doctor. In addition, the warm water relaxes and moisturizes ascending vapour, the mucous membranes of the nose, throat and bronchial tubes with every breath.

After the bath, you should dry and toasty warm to put on. Who is now really tired, should go right to bed. Who has still a stronger complaints and fears, due to sore throat or blocked nose not sleeping, you can test the following six tips from the doctor:

  1. Drink hot herbal tea, best with elderberry, Linden, sage, ivy, or peppermint. Many swear by the hot toddy, but alcohol weakens the immune system and is in the case of infections, therefore, unfavorable.
  2. You just eat anything Light, such as fresh fruit, and a hot vegetable broth.
  3. You inhale with salt water (to one Liter of water a tablespoon of salt). Of essential Oils as an additional Robert Rauch advised against: “you smell so good and are subjective healthy, dry out the mucous membranes on the bottom line, however.”
  4. In the case of neck pain, a neck wrap helps with damp, cold, or warm towels. Particularly effective against inflammation and hoarseness of the Quark compresses. Important in the application: “Prior to the circulation of the winding at room temperature, by placing it on water vapor on an upturned pot lid or in a plastic bag on a heating system,” explains the doctor. The wrapping just as long to leave it on until it cooled down or the cottage cheese is dry.
  5. Gargle with salt water or sage tea can also help with neck pain and the work of the defence forces on the mucous support.
  6. The salt water flush the clogged nose well: “A teaspoon in a large glass of warm water to dissolve, plug the other nostril and with the other the salt water snort high, then spit it out.”

Nasal spray generously apply

However, sometimes the neck hurts still, the cough is tormenting, the nose and more restful sleep, would be so important now, is impossible. “If the nose is clogged, you can apply in the evening a nasal spray with the active ingredient Xylometazoline – nasal breathing in the night, otherwise the air humidification is missing, namely the nasal cavities and the bronchi are dry.”

This would, in turn, encourage coughing, and is one of the reasons that in the case of an infection after a cold is often A sore throat and cough to follow. However, you should not use Sprays for longer than a week, otherwise a dependency is imminent.

Medicines not to take preventive

Tough mucus in nose and bronchi solve by the way, drugs such as ACC (acetyl cysteine). The cough-solver there is, especially as an effervescent tablet. In addition, you should drink a lot, because to be able to properly abschleimen, the body needs liquid.

These medicines you should not apply, however, as a precaution, but only when the appropriate symptoms are present. This is also true for antipyretic analgesic. “Fever is a public health effort of the body and should only be 39 degrees reduced.” In this case, the doctor acetylsalicylic acid (Asa) or Paracetamol 500 recommends. As a home remedy against fever, have proven the calf wrap.

These medicines you should have at home now

For safety’s sake, should be included in the Cold season, your house pharmacy the following medications:

  • salt-containing lozenges
  • Means to gargle with chlorhexidine
  • Nasal ointment with Dexpanthenol
  • Cough syrup or cough drops, for example, with ivy
  • Vitamin C Tablets, Multi Vitamin Tablets
  • Pain and fever reducer with Acetaminophen or acetylsalicylic acid

What time is it for the doctor should go

Often the discomfort with these actions over are already on the next day. Only sometimes, the common cold, however, remains or is even worse. “If the fever rises above 39 degrees, or more than three days over 38 degrees, you should see a doctor,” Robert smoke, it is highly recommended. The note also applies if severe pain in areas of the face, the ears, lungs, or chest, occur pain. Alarm signals are extreme difficulty in swallowing, shortness of breath, and “colorful” mucus (green or red). It is possible on the Basis of a common cold to a bacterial infection formed, such as pneumonia.

However, this risk is, as a rule, that if they indulged in immediately at the first signs of an infection of peace and our tips have followed. And if you feel the next day still very tired – this is because the immune system fights a lot of the common cold viruses. You remain in this case, better to be home and sleep a lot. Then your body has time to recover properly and will not hit again during the next cold wave.