Researchers developing extra-slippery condoms

A special coating to increase the use of condoms and against sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies prevention. In contact with body fluid on the Condom is not particularly slippery, in addition, the coating will RUB off with prolonged use.

Researchers have developed a coating for Latex condoms, which is in contact with body fluid especially slippery. The coated condom, displays characteristics similar to a Condom with a lubricant, but in contrast, the coating will not RUB off. After a sensor test, three-quarters of the interviewed women and men said to prefer a coated condom. This could increase the use of condoms against STDs and unwanted pregnancies, prevention, researchers say, Mark Grinstaff of Boston University in the journal Open Science, the British Royal Society.

Researchers develop special coating

In the case of the use of condoms, a lubricant to reduce the friction resistance of the Latex surface. A inadequacy of water-based lubricants is that their solubility in body fluids and their propensity to be in the body tissue absorbs, limiting your use of time, the researchers write. Also silicone-based lubricants can be rubbed off with increasing duration of use.

Grinstaff and colleagues therefore developed a only 15 microns (thousandths of a Millimeter) thin coating, which forms a tight chemical bond with the Latex. It is a combination of 2-hydroxyethyl acrylate, benzophenone, and polyvinylpyrrolidone.

The latter substance makes for an extremely smooth surface and hydrophilic – water-loving. By water or body fluids moistened, the surface is slippery. In comparison to uncoated Latex of the mechanically measured friction decreases the coefficient by about half (53 percent).

Condoms with lube are in the air and more slippery

In the case of the use of water-based lubricants, the friction drops to 55 percent. However, one of the researchers conducted a long-term test showed that the friction becomes greater, while they remained with the coated Latex.

A sensor test with 13 men and 20 women found that Latex condoms with lubricant are in the air slicker than coated Latex condoms. After wetting with water, the assessment was reversed, however. The humidification by vaginal secretions makes the coated condom even particularly slippery.

Condoms are to prevent sexually transmitted diseases

The 33 participants of the sensing tests were also asked what kind of condom would you prefer. The fact 73 percent replied to prefer a coated condom – however without it before. Of those Befragt1en that use regularly or occasionally use condoms, said 55 percent of that coated condoms may lead you to a more frequent use of condoms. In the case of those who never use condoms, there were still 21 per cent.

According to the study’s authors-coated condoms have the potential to be an effective strategy to increase condom use in populations, and the often sexually-transmitted diseases and unplanned pregnancies occur.