The truth about aphrodisiacs: What are plant substances that bring really

More Lust, hotter Sex, longer love the game – this is to comply with aphrodisiacs. Worldwide, people rely on substances from nature. We have investigated, which have a demonstrable effect.

There are potency of the pharmaceutical laboratory, such as the famous Viagra. There are foods that seduce erotic gimmicks, such as whipped cream. And there are aphrodisiacs of nature, named after the Greek goddess of love and beauty.

For thousands of years and around the world in all cultures was and is attributed to the diverse, mostly plant-based, substances with the power to awaken desire to improve Libido, to intensify the love of the game.

More pleasure, more fun, more fire – every culture swears by a different recipe

Usually the hoped-for increase in Lust with male potency and erectile ability associated with it. The Greeks have confidence in, for example, on your yogurt and local honey – “Greek Viagra” they say.

In South America, the Maca root has gotten the nickname “Peruvian Viagra”. Cruel the supposed increase of the desire in Asia: Rhino powder and grated tiger penis as a potency enhancer will be paid lead to the extinction of rare animals,

In Europe, fortunately, only a few plant and animal products need to believe it that are already on the dining plan.

These are the ten aphrodisiacs, one of which is to be expected, the greatest impact is. Couples who want a little more fire in your love life, you should just try it. A romantic dinner would be perfect for this.


Researchers at the canadian University of Guelph evaluated a few years ago a large number of studies of popular aphrodisiacs. Ginseng is one of the three substances, which the scientists desire to have awarded-enhancing effect. The root acts on the Central nervous system and thus influence on the hormones.


The valuable spice threads have the ability to improve sexual function, such as the researchers from Guelph confirmed. Men have a better erection, in women it comes to increased arousal and more moisture a divorce.


And also an exotic Plant is an effective fancy amplifier: An extract from the bark of the West African Johimbe tree promotes blood circulation in the lumbar area, and sexual excitement in both sexes – also was occupied for the canadian scientist can be proven.

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Some of the other food even in the absence of scientific confirmation, a good reputation as aphrodisiacs. At least you contain a desire-enhancing substances.


The tuber with the intenstiven taste has since the ancient times, its reputation as a pleasure promoter. And in fact, celery contains plant hormones that resemble testosterone. The wings of the Sexdrive, especially in women.

Pepper and Chili

Piperidine in pepper promotes circulation – good condition for the male strength and intensive Sensation of touch in both. The chilli Capscaicin accelerates the heart beat and brings us into a sweat – just like sexual arousal.


In the case of the white and green bars of reputation as aphrodisiac primarily based on its phallic shape. In addition, its extraordinary content of zinc is good for testosterone production. The abundant potassium promotes the production of sex hormones.


This shape, this size – more fruit-Phallus is not. But actually, the potential effect is as an aphrodisiac in potassium: this mineral promotes muscle strength and energy – good for the stamina during the sexual intercourse.


Creamy melting chocolate for a lot of pure sensuality. Nevertheless, you will be awarded no aphrodisiac effect. However, the cocoa ingredients promoting serotonin production. And because the happiness hormone ensure good feelings, can have a positive effect on the love life.

Two aphrodisiacs with a great reputation come from the animal Kingdom:


Oysters are the classic Aphriodisiaka, highly appreciated since Casanova. The fact is, that the fruits of the sea contain a lot of zinc, which stimulates the production of testosterone. Nevertheless, it is rather the Form and consistency of the open oyster, which stimulates the erotic imagination: the Association for the Vagina.