Did Olga Buzova plastic surgery?

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Olga Buzova before plastic

Olga Buzova after plastic surgery

Olga Buzova is one of the most discussed persons in recent years. Her army of fans is growing day by day. Of course, fans love to gossip and personal life teledive (this contributes to the new project “Marry Buzova”), and her appearance. Only in the last couple of years her style has changed, especially after her divorce from footballer Dmitry Tarasov, when Olga Buzova has surprised all that abandoned beloved platinum hair color in favor of chocolate. But not only it catches the eyes of ordinary people: there are those changes that did not go unnoticed. Therefore, the public never ceases to ask: did Olga Buzova plastic surgery? In this article we will dot the i.

Olga Buzova before plastic

Olga Buzova first appeared on television in the reality show “Dom-2”. She came to the project in 2004. Then she remembered the viewers of his snow-white hair, lots of bronzer on the face and body. Olga was similar to the Russian version of Barbie dolls — she loved to wear pink clothes, always added glittery accents to their bows, often experimented with the length of the hair, but the platinum color never touched.

Many people know that during participation in the telestroke Buzova did not differ slim forms, as it is now. Only after leaving from “Houses-2” as a participant, she began to attend a gym, lost seven pounds, finding the figure of dreams, perhaps, every modern girl.

Together with excess weight seriously decreased and the chest Buzova. Fans are encouraged Olga to the bust, but the position of the presenter was one — it was all arranged in her appearance.

“I want you to make a large chest – do. I like my,” said Olga Buzova Hayter.

For 10 years she clung to her snow-white curls. Only after parting with Dmitry Tarasov she repainted in a beautiful brown hue. Hair “like Buzova” became a hit in hairdressing and beauty salons, there are numerous fans of this hairstyle. And it was then that fans began to notice other changes in the image of Olga Buzova.

Olga Buzova after plastic surgery

However, apparently, very soon after the allegations that the appearance suits her, Olga Buzova sacrifice their principles. Fans noticed a small but quite prominent changes in the face. Plastic surgeons explained exactly what the surgery could do Olga Buzova.

Lip contouring

It is obvious that the shape of the lips of Olga Buzova has seriously changed. Perhaps this occurred repeatedly, i.e. Olga gradually increased them to sudden changes not caught everyone off guard. The fresh images show that they were significantly more appetizing and more tempting. There is no longer the thin “threads” that were in Buzova in 2004, when she began to build her career and personal life.

We are glad that Olga Buzova not overdone in this issue. She did not do a “lip-dumplings,” and at a cost appropriate correction. Let’s hope that the tastes of the presenter will not change, and it won’t turn into another doll with the pumped lips.

Contouring cheekbones

Of course, it is impossible not to pay attention to more expressive cheekbones Olga Buzova. Surgeons believe that in this case was performed contour plastic with fillers based on hyaluronic acid or non-surgical facelift. These gels allow to highlight cheekbones, smooth facial contours and to remove the first age-related changes. Through skillful the doctor they look harmoniously with all the other facial features. We must not forget the fact that Buzova uses photoshop and makeup, making her cheekbones even more pronounced. Without makeup face Olga doesn’t look as sharp.


It is assumed that Olga Buzova and rhinoplasty done. Looking at old and new pictures, you can see that the nose of a movie star became more pinched, not so stupid as they were before. However, the old nose of the singer and the leader looked quite think of anything. But maybe it’s all in the angles.

Beauty shots

Many modern women are now using beauty injections. And Olga Buzova, does not shun such methods, which make her a great service. We must not forget that Buzova main “product” is the person who must be always in proper condition.

Therefore, we can conclude that Olga Buzova not once did and will continue to do beauty shots. So, the nasolabial folds become more expressive, on the forehead and around the eyes is not noticeable any wrinkles. Perhaps this is the result of well-executed mesotherapy and botulinum.

We will note that Olga Buzova, though, and resorted to the help of plastic surgeons, and did it so carefully and skillfully that it can only standing ovation. In her face there is nothing much will bother the layman, the presenter has real emotions and feelings, not hidden behind a ton of Botox.