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How to be a man alone?
How is male loneliness?
How does a man cope with loneliness?
There are a number of stereotypes about singles. Many opinions on the subject of why some men remain single at age 30 and after.It is usually considered that at this age a man should settle in life and start a family. If not children, then at least the ongoing relationship. By what reasons men remain single after crossed the 30 year mark?
How to be a man alone?
Alone face men of all ages, young and old, confident and not careerists and those who have remained in secondary roles. For the weak representative of the male causes of this phenomenon are not even discussed, because it is clear that he has a lot of complexes. Ranging from distrust of himself, ending shyness, immaturity. But why even the strongest, it would seem that men remain single?
Women always say: all the good men are already taken. They are either deeply married or have regular girlfriends, mistresses. And those that have have a number of shortcomings: inadequate, Horny, don’t want a family, insolvent and so on.
The fact that the male alone is inevitably connected with the adoption, which turns this bachelor in his head: if I’m strong, handsome, rich, all women will be mine. When a man reaches that status, he dreamed of himself, and not a woman, he notices that women of the opposite sex seeing first his wallet, fame or position in society. However, the very personality of the man lost in the background of all of its material advantages. Then the man begins to change women like gloves to find the right girl. When he finally marries more or less proper the lady is still a means to extract money in the family, because he sought it! And the woman keeps relationship struggles, money feels the safety of his family. But such a relationship has died: by compromise and persuasion, the marriage does not hold, it all leads to divorce. The man’s remains alone, but still a distrust of women.
The loneliness of men depends on the realization of sexual needs. However, it is not only regular sexual life. Man, it is important to get a woman, to be meaningful for her to arouse in her the same feelings she arouses in him, to hear her praise, feeling that she supports it. Such relations does not occur, the probability of separation. While the man himself is disappointed with his masculinity, importance, loses respect in his own eyes, regardless of social status.
How is male loneliness?
Ever since childhood, laid all the basic features, including loneliness. When parents give you the role of a boy. The father plays an important role in the forming of the future man. Son always looks at dad, as it relates to the mother? If he helps her, cares for her, kissing her, accepting decisive action?
Often the development of a boy is allowed to drift, saying, you have to get a good education, find a paying job and start a family. But how to do it, if before my eyes there is no example? If parents do not have love, he does not understand how to care for the girls, thinks that sex is shameful (because parents don’t explain to him the basics of sexual literacy).
Thus, the parents, particularly the father, as a rule, to blame for the development of loneliness at his son. After all, dad needs to convey your skills, abilities, experience child, so that he in the future became a strong man, and maybe even exceeded it in some parameters. The mother should praise the son for any achievements, not to inhibit the dignity of the child, let the son to take independent decisions, that he grew a strong man.
But even that the man is strong in spirit, does not mean that he will not be lonely. There are thousands of examples proving this. You may read our article about stars, which after 40 is still not married. Most likely, this means that the concept of masculinity was formed by the parents is wrong. However, as we know, parents, my child, do not choose. Therefore, it remains to deal with the male alone alone.
How does a man cope with loneliness?
According to spiritual teachings, people have to put up with the loneliness, it should be a state of self-sufficiency. But that does not mean you have to give up and stay single forever, go in search of. In the end, interaction with other people is important in modern society, the necessity, from which there is no escape.
You must start to pump his manhood. This does not mean that you should immediately go to the gym and become more muscular. Of course, appearance is important when choosing a partner, but also the psychological side of the issue should not be denied. It is possible to visit a specialist, who will prescribe the correct vector. You also need to be implemented in the profession, to gain confidence in yourself in different spheres, including become successful in the eyes of women. As for the fairer sex male is a man, able to take responsibility and make the right decisions which will benefit the whole family.
You also need to understand the qualities that are inherent in men. This generosity, dedication, fearlessness, bravery. The man does not help in life traits such as anger, resentment, envy, aggression. You need to try to develop positive qualities to steer your life in the direction that will take the man out of loneliness.