The main secret of longevity

Authoritative Russian doctors said that mainly affects the length of human life. In their view, genes determine the tendency to longevity only by a third.

In particular, the secret of longevity shared the main gerontologist of St. Petersburg Vladimir Khavinson, President of the Russian society of anti-aging medicine Professor Svetlana Trofimova, who spoke on the pages of Newspapers. Scientists have noted that genes affect human longevity by 30-35%. Basically how many years a person lives affects the lifestyle.

Also important in this regard biorhythms overall health. For example, studies have shown that even a not too serious sleep disorders can several times increase the risk of developing life-threatening diseases – cancer, diabetes.

Doctors recommended as measures of prolonging life to control weight, reduce caloric intake, extremely sparingly eat fatty and sugary foods. The experts highlighted the fact that among the many long-lived mothers. In addition, long-lived people have a long period of sexual life,

Vladimir Khavinson added that with the aim of longevity, it is useful to make peptides – these substances stimulate the genes responsible for the body’s production of protein. With aging, the body begins to synthesize proteins is weaker.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about what food helps to slow the aging process.