Seaweed may be the salvation of a heart attack

Researchers from Denmark conducted an experiment which showed that regular consumption of seaweed improves the condition of blood vessel walls. The risk of heart attack due to such changes is reduced in several times, stated the experts.

In tests scientists took part people experienced problems with cardiovascular system. Volunteers were divided into two groups, and in one of them the participants were receiving in their daily diet Supplement in the form of seaweed.

The resulting improved condition of those subjects who consumed seaweed. They talked about that in the morning and evening, their health has become much better. Seaweed in the daily diet helped to normalize the pressure

According to experts, this product is rich in magnesium and iron, and vitamins a, C, E and group B. the Use of seaweed helps lose weight, prevents the formation of clots in blood vessels, improves endurance.

Another useful trait of kelp – it is rich in polysaccharides that stimulate the immune system, normalize metabolism and reduce cholesterol. Due to these properties, its use helps to slow down the onset of aging.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about the fact that scientists have recognized the city compaction threat to the health of blood vessels and heart.