Products that can “kill” heart

A healthy diet is especially important to stick to people who suffer cardiovascular disorders and have a family history of heart attacks. A group of American cardiologists told about foods that should be avoided by all cores.

In particular, the dangerous condition of the heart doctors believe foods that are rich in sodium. This “black list” they made soy sauce, dry soups in sachets, prepared salad dressings and condiments for the first and second dishes, cold meats, pickled vegetables, cheeses, chips and other snacks that are usually many people consume on the go. Dangerous experts called ready sugar products and beverages containing corn syrup, high amounts of sugar, fructose and other sugar substitutes.

Furthermore, noted scientists, a lot of harm to people with poor and bad heart can bring eating foods with TRANS fats – hydrogenated fats are abundantly contained in margarine. These dangerous components of a lot in confectionery and in the dishes, lightly fried.

Immediate threat for heart fraught with foods high in cholesterol and saturated fat. Their sources include meat, egg yolks, chicken skin, milk fat, and palm oil and other oils of tropical plants.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about the use of any product helps to slow down aging.