Experts in the field of healthy nutrition does not recommend eating flour products in large quantities, especially made from processed wheat flour. These products interfere with normal digestion, experts say.
If the main ingredient in baking wheat becomes white flour, such product will not give the body virtually no vitamins. In addition, flour and bread contain a lot of salt, sugar, starch, and often yeast – this multi-component composition may become too much for the digestion. If you use flour and bread regularly, several times a day, it may have a negative impact on metabolism and contribute to obesity, diseases of the stomach and intestines, warned experts.
At the same time to abandon the use quality of bread from flour maloprimetny not necessary – this product is a good supplier of fiber. According to nutritionists, bread products and baked goods made with white flour should be preferred to the more “gross” foods – for example, from rye flour.
Doctors do not recommend to use bread and products of animal origin, as each of these components requires different enzymes for processing, and in duet they are too heavy for the stomach, can cause indigestion and other troubles with the digestive tract. According to them, the right bread to eat with vegetables and herbs – plant foods contain vitamins, activates the processing of complex carbohydrates present in bread.
Magicforum previously argued that scientists are bread and cereals are becoming more dangerous for the body, the associated process of global warming on Earth. Their data indicate that the increase in air temperature causes adverse processes within grass plants and increases the level of toxins in the wheat and corn.