Can sandwiches to bring to cancer?

Women who like to snack during the day with a sausage sandwich, an urgent need to change their habit. Scientists at Harvard University have warned that the consumption of meat products increases the risk of cancer of the breast. The arguments of experts published a scientific edition of the International journal of cancer.

The consumption of products from processed meat increases the likelihood of breast cancer by 9 percent, noted Harvard experts. This conclusion was made based on the data presented in the who report on the relationship between the consumption of sausages and increased risk of cancer. This relationship was examined in the context of cancer in General. Experts have summarized that the risk of tumors intensifitsiruetsa in excess of the threshold of 50 grams of sausage or bacon daily.

Harvard scientists were not satisfied with this “too common” fact. They investigated the effect of sausages on women’s health. Their opinion about the ability of such products to provoke breast cancer based on the results of the analysis of the data by more than a million women.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about who do not eat cereals, despite their usefulness.