Burnout: Why do people over 50 are most frequently affected

In the Job, you don’t need to prove himself, the kids are out of the Woods, the house is paid for: 50 the storms of life seem to have survived. But instead of enjoying the achievement that occurs in many people of this Generation, Burnout.

Actually, could reject the Generation 50 back comfortably: In the profession she has achieved everything, no more children in the house, financially it’s usually better than ever. No wonder, then, that the birth, apply to boomers as highly satisfied, relaxed, and healthy demographic group. However, as statistics show, is just affected often of a Burnout.

Reasons for this apparent contradiction, there is a whole series. Many people around the 50 perturbed and irritated the time of upheaval and change. You notice that your body is changing. Muscles and hair less wrinkles, and fat to take deposits. This is the age of distinctive beauty – and youth-ideal for the most scary. You can also see that life is finite.

About the expert

Thorsten Bracher is in charge of the chief physician of the castle Park clinic Dirmstein, Rheinland-Pfalz. The specialist in Psychosomatic medicine, psychiatry and psychotherapy specializes in sleep disorders, depression, anxiety disorders and stress disorders like chronic exhaustion (burnout) and psychosomatic complaints.

Often become ill or die, the parents in this time, and it is the first of our own infirmity. The fear that technical progress can not keep up, the duty of constant accessibility and the fear of dismissal often in addition to the emergence of a burnout.

The big question after the sense

All of this can lead to high pressure and sometimes the “big” questions of the meaning and even identity crises of life trigger. Even with maximum utilization of the energy resources, the resulting Stress is usually only a limited amount of time to absorb. A Burnout is often just a matter of time.

  • Heartburn, back pain, exhaustion: The signs of a Burnout

In addition, other factors such as investment play in the development of course – and education-related personality characteristics, the own life story and Experience, as well as stressful situations in the family environment or of the partnership, a role – which is usually not the unique high load is vital, but rather long-term Overloads.

Lazy people get no Burnout?

In the first place is very achievement-oriented people are, of course, a Burnout affected. Those who approach it in a more relaxed and less ambitious, the reduced expectation and pressure to perform. But regardless of the causes, the spectrum is much more diverse and complex. Not infrequently, people fall, for example, by long unemployment, the intensive care of a sick person it comes from relatives or other family problems under very high pressure, to mental disorders such as Burnout.

Usually a chronic state of Exhaustion no longer occurs, however, only when the usual Recovery time is sufficient to Regenerate: insomnia, restlessness, reduced efficiency, feelings of Emptiness and listlessness are common signs. Unwind and Relax not succeed. Social withdrawal, diminishing empathy and Resignation to Depression can be the result. But also stomach and back pain, heartburn, or Tinnitus have, in some cases, to a Burnout.

What exactly is a Burnout?

Under a Burnout specialist doctors to understand the profound, both physical as well as mental state of Exhaustion. Usually preceded by prolonged Overload and excessive demands. Alone, an excessive workload is not the Problem. Rather, it is a feeling of powerlessness, loss of Control, and the senselessness of it all. Many victims hesitate to seek help. A medical or psychological counseling and, if necessary, subsequent therapy are not a sign of weakness or Failure. Rather, this responsible approach to self-witness.

The goal of therapy is to find the patients with an optimum personal way, to be able to in the future without the health problems with pressure and handle Stress. This includes also to check your own claims to yourself. Because the excessive demand comes not only from the outside.

How can a collapse be avoided?

First of all, it is important to make the own exposure limitations. So be careful, these limits and to constantly go beyond. Always a duty, never had the pleasure – so it should be. A balance to the high level of professional and/or private charges is important – this includes social contacts and interests outside of the profession, exercise, and sports. And, of course, be honest yourself to examine your own claims and may be the personal capacity to adapt. Who tries to always do everything 150%, is in the long term, burnout highly-endangered.

Once Burnout Burnout, always?

A Burnout is treatable, but relapses are not excluded, of course. It is important that the Concerned issue will be aware and learn the appropriate protective mechanisms and strategies for coping with stress. In many cases, the psychotherapy, particularly behavior therapy can be helpful.

Standard solutions do not exist. Rather, the medical assistance to the patient, and whose work should and conditions, as well as the nature of complaints life. Over 90 percent of those Affected manage the return to work. In addition, the following applies: Each life crisis offers the Chance of a new beginning.