A simple way to maintain health and prolong life

Scientific specialists from Australia, representing the University of Victoria have found great benefit from a short, but intensive physical exercise, said MedicalXpress. It follows from the conclusions of scientists, to maintain the functions of mitochondria a few minutes of such exercises is absolutely in the same way effective as long term exercise.

An experiment was conducted where participants performed exercise of varying intensity on a stationary bike. In particular, the volunteers performed five exercises for four minutes with a load of 75% (high load), one exercise in half an hour at 50 percent load, as well as four 30-second high intensity exercise with intervals of 4.5 minutes (sprint).

Scientists have measured performing these exercises the participants level of mitochondria in muscle tissues of the thigh, and concluded eventually that “long (half-hour) of aerobic exercises and short workouts (sprint) have the same effect.”

According to scientific data, damage of mitochondria plays a key role in the aging process. In the new project, scientists have ascertained that physical activity improves mitochondrial function and contribute to the creation of new ones. The results of the study, its authors believe, will help to develop recommendations to improve the health of the population.

Earlier Magicforum wrote that from the early cases of stroke and death protects the body use fat.