What is the titer of the OILS and when it is held

What is the titer of the OILS, and what is prescribed, this lab test? What is the diagnostic value of this analysis and that is the reason for the increase in titer, ASLO?


ASLO: norms and deviations

ASLO the abbreviated name of antistreptolysin O Is a marker of infections that are caused by streptococcal bacteria. The antistreptolysin is antibody that the body produces against chemicals type streptolysin O (antigen) produced by streptococci from groups A, C and G.

Once in the human body, the streptococci produce streptolysin O which is necessary for the destruction of red blood cells. The letter O in the title means that the substance is destroyed upon contact with oxygen (O2).

It is noteworthy that in different laboratories norms of the titer of antibodies to the streptolysin can be slightly different. Average normal rates are the following:

  • Adults and children over 14 years up to 200 units per liter of blood.
  • Children under the age of 14 to 150 units per liter of blood.


Currently, the main method for determining the antistreptolysin O is the latex test. This is a quick and inexpensive test to determine not only the concentration of antibodies and their titer. Also there is a turbidimetric method for the determination of antibodies, and some clinicians trust to him. However, it requires additional equipment.


The main reason for the increased activity of the OILS is the sensitization of the organism to streptococcal antigens. At the same time after infection to hope for a post-infectious immunity is not necessary, since such infection is not characterized by a high degree of intensity or duration. At the same time, streptococcal infection causes a number of complications, including very serious (for example, acquired heart disease).

Dynamics of titre ASLO: options results

The change in titer, ASLO can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the absolute indications and dynamics of changes.

  • ASLO titer begins to increase. It occurs about one week after penetration the pathogen. The highest concentration of antibodies is observed at 3-5 week of the infection process. If the body cope with the infection, then the ASLO titer begins to decrease gradually. Normal levels of ASLO titer will be after 6-12 months.
  • A strong increase in titers of ASLO. Under such circumstances there is every reason to believe that a patient develops late complication of infection of rheumatic fever. Rheumatism may develop in a patient, for example, recovering from a sore throat caused by beta-hemolytic Streptococcus.
  • The lower titers of ASLO for rheumatism. In this case we are talking about a favorable course of rheumatism without involvement in the pathological process of the heart. As a rule, normal levels of titer can expect after 1-2 months after illness. However, these terms can be substantially reduced with adequate treatment. If the ASLO titer does not decrease in 6 months after the illness, the prognosis is complicated. In these figures can be suspected of relapse.


Despite the great diagnostic value of ASLO titer, it should be borne in mind that approximately 15% of patients with rheumatism, the figure is not increased. Conversely the high level of ASLO titer can be observed in individuals who have no symptoms of the disease. It is noteworthy that the increased titer, ASLO can be expected in people suffering from chronic tonsillitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and in patients who are carriers of streptococcal infection.

Disease and titer, ASLO

Infection streptococcal infection can occur through airborne droplets, through food or by direct contact with a carrier of streptococcal infection or a sick person.

The most common diseases that are caused by beta-hemolytic Streptococcus group A (which leads to increased titers of ASLO) are the following pathology:

  • angina;
  • pharyngitis;
  • erysipelas;
  • myositis;
  • pneumonia;
  • acute diffuse glomerulonephritis;
  • scarlet fever;
  • other diseases.

It is noteworthy that infection with beta-hemolytic Streptococcus group A can give serious complications, namely:

  • purulent otitis and sinusitis;
  • meningitis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • the pyoderma;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • endocarditis;
  • rheumatic fever;
  • toxic shock;
  • septic conditions;
  • neurological disorders (especially in children).

The ASLO titre and pregnancy

Doctors claim that the increase in titer, ASLO during pregnancy does not affect childbearing and can not harm the unborn baby. In case when a pregnant woman is found elevated ASLO titer, however, no signs of disease, then no treatment do not hold.

In some cases, the analysis on the titer, ASLO not possible

There are a number of circumstances in which to test for the titer, ASLO makes no sense. These cases include:

  • Streptococcal lesion of the skin. In this case, the streptolysin is also highlighted, but it destroys lipids (fats) of the skin.
  • Scarlet fever. When scarlet fever diagnosis is easily established based on the clinical manifestations of the disease, therefore, the meaning of the analysis on the titer, ASLO no.
  • Streptococcal endocarditis. In this case, for diagnosis and treatment enough to perform bacterial analysis, which is significantly faster than the analysis on the titer of the OILS.
  • Osteomyelitis. In this case also the diagnosis is established on the basis of clinical and other indicators.


The analysis on the titer, ASLO not carried out for the diagnosis of acute infection, as antibodies begin to appear only after 1-2 weeks after infection of the patient.