Preparing for the first wave of the flu: 6 prevention tips

The flu season is not far off: according to forecasts, the first wave of morbidity is expected in mid-autumn. According to Rospotrebnadzora, every year, flu sick more than 10% of the population of 14-15 million people. In this regard, we remind you about several important provisions of the prevention of influenza.

1. Complete the influenza vaccination. Annual flu vaccination is the most important preventive step. As the viruses continue to evolve and mutate, the world health organization regularly updates its recommendations for the composition of vaccines.

Currently in Moscow and the Moscow region is free to be vaccinated at any clinic, contact the physician or the physician on duty. In addition, there are mobile units. The regions received enough vaccines for children in the beginning of September.

High flu season begins in October and ends in March (although they can get sick at any time of the year), so experts in the field of medicine is recommended to get vaccinated before the end of October.

2. Keep your hands clean. You should regularly and thoroughly clean your hands, especially after touching objects in public places the use of railings, door knobs, handrails, etc. the fact that the largest number of microbes into the nasopharynx, moving from contaminated surfaces to hands first, and then on the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose. Try not to touch your face with your hands,

Disinfectant for hands can be used one to two times a day, but the best way to clean hands is to wash them regular. Earlier we wrote about the technique of washing hands, finding out that 97% of people do it wrong.

3. Observe cough etiquette. Andrew Pekosz (Andrew Pekosz), Professor of molecular Microbiology and immunology Johns Hopkins University (Johns Hopkins University), explains: Sneezing or coughing fill the air with particles and droplets. Some of them can hang for a considerable time after you have coughed.

When coughing or sneezing should cover mouth and nose with a tissue or cloth, after which it must be correctly disposed of. It’s the least you can do, as viruses spread from an infected person, not only through the coughing, but even when breathing, according to the study Marilandica (University of Meryland).

4. Sick people should avoid contact with others. If you have symptoms of a flu it is necessary to stop to attend work or school. To appear in public places should not, until 24 hours after normalization of temperature.

5. Anti-viral drugs. Antiviral drugs against influenza is recepetie medicines. Your doctor may prescribe them as a preventative form of treatment, and those who are already sick with severe disease.

As the prevention of disease these drugs are effective for the first day after infection. Their timely use can stop the disease. But do not use them yourself. Better at the first symptoms consult a doctor. In addition, unfortunately, the effect of these drugs selectively, it is only limited to influenza virus type A, that is, in certain cases, they cannot wait for help. Also they are known for their side effects.

6. You need to eat right and be physically active. Keeping the immune system in good shape not only reduces the chances of contamination, but makes the disease.

Exercise is an immune system, and they can be useful if you feel well enough to do them, says Dr. Frank Lipman (Frank Lipman), integrative doctor and functional medicine in new York city.

Especially successful is the combination of physical activity and a healthy diet, rich in vitamin C and zinc.

Valeria SEMA